The Chessboard of Life

A shallow cry in the middle of the night. Face pressed to carpet. In the sealed-off fortress of a bedroom, where nobody sees.

The world demands, commands answers. And finding the concrete, stabbing the truth in a bunch of lies is like harpooning a fly in the middle of mosquito season.

Far too many feelings buzzing around. Trying to infect with poison, until you can’t sit still, itching, with unsettled wrestlessness.

As skies, once shining with the suns fading light, linger with oranges and reds, yellows and silhouettes painting up the skies…

Dim to dusk. Few can see. Questionably, stumbling from the sounds we hear. The night sky fooling once trained eyes, as it fidgets for images taunting in the dark.

And the Jezebels? Those appearing passive, yet sitting with facades of unseen anger, control-seathing, power-executed over the Elijah’s…

Elijah’s being men and women with good hearts, passively wanting to serve…

Yet, this chosen, becomes victim to Jezebel’s thirst for control at all cost; demand over decisions and temperments, opinions and reasonings…

And if you don’t do what Jezebel wants, he or she will hurl blame and shame, guilt and unapologentic manipulation to rob you from your throne…

The throne given to you by a savior who got lower, not climbed higher…

A God who humbled himself in the presence of others, instead of clawing for power or cutting others off at the knees, to get across their message or mission.

The world is a game of useless chess pieces. Each one necessary, if used correctly. But each one different in their strengths and weaknesses.

The pawns, seemingly expendible. The strong cut sharp and fast across the table, taking dominion, instead of asking for it. The weak sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the greater game.

Yet, what most don’t know is, the littlest aren’t weakest. They are strongest when they stick together and don’t separate from the ones that most love them.

Still, even in play, the world wants to be the queen. Driving across a board, ruthless and unforgiving, domineering, without thinking.

While the King sits, waiting patiently to see how she will love, not just the easist to love, but the down-trot and needy.

Does the queen love? Can Jezebel ever get reformed? Does the man or woman who lashes and slices, cuts others down, plows over the weak without any regard for the innocent, ever relinquish their power?

Do the silent get eaten by the tigers and giants? Are their David’s ever rising amongst a people hiding and trembling from an overgrown, greedy system?

Where are the people of God? The ones who publicly displayed themselves as saved, perfect and flawless in the days of plenty?

Was their reward found in their titles and positions? And did they lose sight of the prize when their kingdom’s first heard the sound of giants coming?

Were their reputations crushed in their compromised state, thier Lukewarm chase after earthly luster, pety purposes?

When will we ever learn? When will the people of God know their worth? See their King isn’t stagnant and failing?

Will people ever stop trying to steal his throne? Making a humble God into a proud, self-molded savior? Someone who conforms to their wishes, idolizing their purchases, and playing little games, like letting the strong dominate the weak?

Playing church, too many puppet-masters crush the innocent, forgetting the poor, losing sight of their goal, which is to die to self and become more like Christ.

Do we even know the King? The one who crawled with flesh open from the lashing of a cat-of-nine-tails, bleeding for the sake of love, walking with his cross to the hill of his execution?

Have we missed the one, black skin, who lifted the burdens from this Jewish man, instead of laboring in hate, demanding even more from this Saint who stumbled his way to Calvary to give his life away for him?

And why have the masses become like soldiers, blindly obeying government authorities?

Wicked or not, no man is our sole-blown ruler. Isn’t God the only governor? And don’t we always obey the highest authorities when good and bad choices are given?

Yet, too many sway. Cave. Love being a part of the ranks. Though hate abounds, evil grips, the powers of Jezebel heaves her sickening fury while sacrificing her own people.

Where are the Elijah’s and when will they rise?

Where are the Esthers that defy evil in their societies, staking their lives on the promises of God, giving everything in this time for greatness to be done, righteousness to prevail, sin to stop spreading, so captives are freed?

Aren’t there far too many innocent lost as the day darkens? Moon shining as feet stumble for freedom and hope, answers and restitution from evil and discontentment.

Bitterness and lawlessness abound, as the day gets sinister. The lust-filled and power-hungry always stomping this earth like unapologentic giants, boasting of their worth, demanding what they want while crushing the innocent.

But, we are not pawns in the hands of evil.

Isn’t it time we shout, “You come against me with sword and spear and javalin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (1 Samuel 1:15)

Isn’t it time we gather on our knees and crush the head of the serpent, with lamenting and praying, in fasting and with the same surrendered expectation Jesus died for on Calvary’s tree?

And what if we all rose like Esthers, facing the King of judgement, gathering our people in secret, to pray for the remnant of a people, good and holy, kind and commited to God’s true ways, instead of mans?

When will we recognize we are married to Jezebels; systems, opinions, powers that crush others in their path, and demand the same ruthlessness Jezebel swung her sword with.

Can’t we face the gods of Ba’al? The god of money and control? A god partnered with Molech? Ba’al being the word, “master”? And why is it, money always tries to become our master?

Doesn’t power try to tempt us to taking our life into our own hands? Isn’t this god of such evil the one that led people to cut their own flesh, chanting around an alter for fire?

Yet, only the God of Elijah has true power in the end. Molech, who asks for the sacrifices of children, will come tumbling down. And The Humble Servant will ride with fervent redemption, for his waiting people.

There’s a white horse coming.

I see it in the shadows of the early morning. Just when the dark cannot go on much longer, and evil shakes the earth with dominance and sweeping passions….

The clouds open. Angels sing, “Holy, holy”. The Warrior of Heaven takes his place in the hearts of those who refuse to bow to earth’s dominion of lust, greed, and power. 

He comes with all authority. Complete peace. Holy thunder. Loving judgement that is just and redemptive.

How have we lived on this earth? Compromised and double-minded, conforming and obliguing to our own selfish gain?

Will we rise and take our place, becoming like the Jezebel’s that fight inside each of us, to crush the wills and rule over other men?

Or will we be found surrendered and needy? On our knees, consecrated to our Lord. Alone if we must, as the true queen of the chessboard comes toppling to the ground?

Our good and righteous King always exhalts the pawns, in His world where the last will be first…And those striving for much, will lose it all in the end.

Everything without Christ is nothing. And nothing with Him, is all that we need.

The day grows darker, but the light of Jesus in us, is a beckon on a hill. We will see him clothed in glory. And that hope is all we need.

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