Read Marriage Posts

About half of marriages now-a-days survive. Half! And that includes marriages within the church.

I remember when a couple I knew divorced. Each individual in that marriage pointed fingers, finding something wrong with their spouse, justifying their divorce.

After all, shame is a heavy culprit, and it still exists, especially in the church, regarding divorce.

But, before you go feeling bad, let me just encourage you by my own rough beginnings.

Oh, and then there is scripture. Remember the woman at the well? Didn’t Jesus forgive her? (John 4:3-42) She had been married five times and was presently living with a man she WASN’T married to.

Yet, Jesus gave her grace. He always offers to us grace, regardless of where we have come from, despite the mess we might be living in.

If you haven’t yet, take a second and read my husband and my personal marriage testimony. You can find it here.

None of us have it perfect.  And if your reading this, my guess is, you might even have a thousand questions surrounding your own personal marriage, your spouse, or your own unique, heart situation.

Still, time has taught me, the only way His grace is made sufficient through marriage is when we come humbly, admitting our weaknesses, step back and let Him display His glory through you and your spouse.

Any good marriage is simply two broken people leaning on a perfect Savior.

“A cord of three strands will not be quickly broken.”  ~ Ecclesiastes 4:121DSC03198

Isn’t it time we stop trying to pretend marriage is easy, or any matromony is perfect?

Let’s stop fighting against each other in marriage and fight for a strand that includes dependency on Jesus?

Oh, and what about the shame too? Often in the church, we can talk about theology, wayward children, idoltry….but it seems the taboo subject is struggling marriages. Why is that?

Just because you go to church and follow Jesus, doesn’t mean your marriage must be perfect.

Worse yet, what about pastors?

Sadly, it seems pastors are held to an even higher standards. Because they are leaders, for some reason, people expect their marriages to never need tending to…

Don’t we all go through dry seasons? Times we need to put our marriage first, and work through those issues, we can’t just toss aside for a car ride to little league?

As I have sifted through all these questions, I want a safe space, for you and I to be candid and real.

So below, I invite you to check out some of the posts I have written about my own marriage.

Aren’t you thankful, none of us are perfect?

Still, one thing I know is, after twenty-five years, I can sure promise you one thing…fighting for your marriage is worth it!

Rich Faith Rising Posts On Marriage:

When Your Marriage Needs A Miracle

How To Not Miss The Little Moments In Marriage

How Disney Poisoned My Marriage

3 Strategies Towards A United Life, Ministry, & Marriage

Marriage, And What Broke A 20 Year Grass-Curse

When Marriage Seems Impossible

20 Do’s And Don’ts For A Lasting Marriage

Spring Cleaning, Marriage

Fragile Families – And Why You Should Fight For Those You Love

Letting Go of The Battle To Control Your Husband

When He Asks, “Will You Marry Me”

Broken Together.  A Love Story.  And A 20 Year Letter Of, “Thanks”

4 Tips to Keeping Love Alive

Marriage Lessons From a 91 Year-old in the Grocery Isle

Why Marriage Is Worth It

Struggling In Your Marriage?

Marriage Lessons From A Ninety-One Year Old In The Grocery Isle

Unfaithful Relationship?

Finding True Love

11 Keys To Effective Communication In Marriage


General Family Posts

When Your Family Looks Like An Apple Tree

Finding Peace In Your Home When There Is War In The World


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