A Message to You, Right Where You Are

I see you, sitting there, holding tight, looking for specks of light, to shine inside the dark.

I see your ache, the pain you’ve gained, the questions lingering, weighing you down.

I see your song, growing dim. The tune that once rose, now lost in melodies of someone else’s message.

I see what you’ve lost, in the pain of a few. The uncertainty, the neediness for something more gripping you.

I see you. Stumbling for answers. Wanting to unravel, a life-time of mis-steps.

I see your fleeting faith. The scars from plastic presentations. Your disillusionment with smiles outside, while pride curtails the truth of a real Jesus.

I see you spinning. Trying. Seeking. Grisping. Needing…something more. Something solid in the sponge like earth that sinks your feet with every step.

I see you looking for stars to greet you, the brightness in you, to shimmer more. Somehow….Someway. Here and now. Before it is too late.

I see your trust. It’s failed you. Put into man, systems, structures. All of them misleading.

People failing. Twisting, turning truth. Grasping for worldly gain. Yet, never satisfied. I see how it pains you.

I see your love. It’s ever so big. It’s reaching and keeps giving. It longs to be a blessing.


Love misappropriated can sting.

It can rip apart what we thought was perfect and holy. It can cause us to put up walls, where love was meant to flow.

So, you guard and project defenses. Wrestling between bitterness and indifference. You cave to the forces that gouge you with their self-righteousness.

When will we all ever learn.

No man is the answer. No earth keeps contentment. No person, or people, or thing can bring peace and true blessing.

He died for you. The real hope of your dreams. He got low just to look at you. He is the one who stares into your eyes and asks for nothing in return.

He sees you.

He’s a greedliless savior. The One who wants to take you, just like you are. He welcomes and wants to teach you, about His character. A character that is not of this world.

  • He waits, where others force.
  • He listens, where others just talk.
  • He knows, where others ways are rude and thoughtless.

He is the friend of the needy, the wanting, the weary and the weak.

And so, dear one. Won’t you look to Him and His mercy? Won’t you turn from the slippery slope that pulls you downwards toward sarcasm and scorn?

Won’t you let lose of all control, and reach for the holiest friend who really and forever has your back? He won’t ever fail you.

He is the answer, for every single one of your fears.

And when you meet him? Let him throw your sins as far as the east is to the west. Let Him look upon you in righteousness, without needing to bring him gold and silver.

He doesn’t love what man loves, what the earth craves after like some blood-thirsty hounddog.

God’s ways are pure and holy. Loving and selfless.

He gives and keeps giving instead of taking and keep wanting. He pours out to you freely, instead of asking and stripping from you everything you know, love and hold dear.

He offers you bounty, and real rewards, like peace and contentment, laughter and authentic love.

This world’s plastic presentations of Him, don’t bring Him glory.

He isn’t stagnant and rigid. Unforgiving and condemning. He doesn’t rise in love one moment, then flares rage on you the next.

He is consist. Unchanging. Unwavering. And filled with mercy. And anyone who says otherwise isn’t speaking of our same Jesus.

And yes, the world hasn’t represented Him well. They have twisted interpretations and tried to petrify His image into some wooden statue of what suits them.

Solid. Still. Lifeless. Tiny.

Because the world likes a small, petrified Jesus. Unimpressive. One they can make into a golden imagine and carry around in their pocket.

But He is so much bigger than that. He is God. He will not be owned by mere fallable man. He is holy and righteous. Omnipotent and over all things.

He is in all things. Creator of all things. Maker of any good you might find on this earth.

He is nothing less than Lord. The one who burned up a bush, parted the seas, brought water from rock. And He still sets the captives free.

He closes the mouths of lions. Keeps his people safe when bitten by snakes around them. He looses power to the waiting. And still annoints those obedeint to His purposes.

He doesn’t need the perfect. He only needs the willing. Are you willing?

Will you let the world and all its possessions go? Will you turn your back on hate, and run for those that take you down the slippery slope of self-righteousness?

God is humble. Kind. Forgiving. Patient. He loves you oh so much, regardless of who you are or what you have done.

Don’t you see His hand? Reaching. It beckons. It asks for you to join Him. Not when life gets better. Not when you feel safe or welcome. Not when life seems alligned like you like it…

But now. In this moment. As you read this.

Will you surrender your will to Him? Come, abandon all of you, so He can give you peace?

He is a friend to the friendless, the hope to the hopeless, the rest for the weary. And He is calling you. He sees you, right where you are. 

A bruised reed won’t be broken. You may be perplexed and downtrotten, but He will not forsake or fail you.

He created the stars. And His light still rests inside you, waiting to burn bright. You were made for the skies. Lifted high to keep shining…Not for the earth that finds joy in your dimming.

Will you stop clinging to anything that robs you?

Will you let go? Will you trust Him? He is our only hope. He sees you. His love is perfect. It reaches you. Right where you are.

Won’t you let Him in? As He whispers, even now….”I see you.”

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