Sickness. And the Cheshire Cat.

There is nothing like laying flat on your back for two days straight to put your mind in perspective.

For sometimes standing straight up and plowing full force forward can delude ourselves to what we think we need to do….

And as my brother who has a large ministry for troubled teens continually says,

“Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself….but thinking of yourself less.”

See, I have prayed for humility for quite awhile now. For, from what I have seen….

Sin cannot attach to humility.

But even humility can be like the Cheshire Cat. (In Alice in Wonderland) The moment you’ve spotted it and think you can grab it, touch it, coddle it, and own it……it somehow changes color or disappears.

And humility in itself can be some kind of achievement.  A works.  A striving.  A purpose.  A pursuing….

When the focus should be Jesus.

And the way to Jesus has always been the stripping.  Stripping of resources…people….places….and things that we cling to….

As I read.  Bible Open.

Humility:  Absent of the need to “clutch” for power or attention.

And how even our problems can become our sin.  How we grow them.  Strengthen them. And use them to turn attention somehow toward us.  Instead of placing it where it belongs… the lap of Jesus.

And God knew.  He knew I needed time away.  Time alone.  Quiet.  To hear the voice of God.  For His Word says….

“Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.”  James 4:10.

And how Humility is the Royal Spirit of Servanthood.

And The Servant who humbled Himself even unto the point of death chose the silent path to His crucifix.

And I stand in His eyes;  Looking.  Speaking as if I have never whispered these words a thousand times before.

“I am sorry.”  Flesh skimmed as it effortlessly surfaces.

This time.  Meaning it.  From the depths of my soul.

In awe…..of the grace that comes through the doorway of humility. 1 Peter 5:5 

And how thankful I am….that I was sick for two days.

No flesh warring. No Jacob Spirit.

Simply seeing more fully…..

The beauty of Jesus.

(Linking with Michelle)

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  1. Sorry you were sick, but so glad you wrote this post! Sin cannot attach to humility…I’ve never thought of it like that. Thank you for these great thoughts!

    I came over from Hear it on Sunday

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