He Waits

She wakes, stumbles downstairs, nothing in hand, clinging to the mug she sips coffee from.  And He waits… Kids clamor awake.  She pulls herself up from her slumbering state, feeding them, gets them ready for their day.  And He waits…. Bus comes.  Finally the house is silent. The demands of little hands aren’t there pulling at […]

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Sickness. And the Cheshire Cat.

There is nothing like laying flat on your back for two days straight to put your mind in perspective. For sometimes standing straight up and plowing full force forward can delude ourselves to what we think we need to do…. And as my brother who has a large ministry for troubled teens continually says, “Humility isn’t […]

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Ponderings from the Pond 2

Compelled outside. Early morn. Forsaking beauty for over-sized boots. Loves Eternal.  Still asleep. Wooden dock calling me…. Out of constricting walls.             Into open field.                         Down grassy path…..                                      To waters edge whispering. And there…..I drown in silence.  Devouring His peace, like breakfast to the soul.  Searching for Heaven’s handouts….even more….. And I absorb unfiltered air….unbound by walls […]

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