At the Feet of Wisdom

I sit at their feet.    Gathering of Women.         Older.             Intercessors. Mentors. Grandmothers. Church issues.     Many Quit.         Intercessors, still standing. Grace abounding.  Praying…..for churches surrounding. Determined, by faith, to enter boldly His throne room of grace. Theologically explaining.     Powerful petitioning.           Talk of Israel.  And our connection with God’s people. Prodigals broken.     Prodigals within.           Confession. Healing.  Sharing……Drifting People.   […]

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Sewing Lives

Oh God, sew us together with love.  When life weighs. Pains rise. Bitterness presses us away from one another. Let love rise. When unforgiveness births within.  Recollecting pain from people or things that have happened.  May hearts soon turn to Him.  His truth.  His life… That love would rise. Sew us with your hand of grace.  […]

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Separation Has No Power

I saw him yesterday. My brother.  My best friend. A decade apart. Families separated. No hate, or anger, or bitterness…just a job move. Out of state. Parting ways….Never an easy thing. Children at the time. Naive. Starting our own families. A bridge that grew as distance stayed.  Between wives. Husbands. Kids. Families. Yet, distance longs for […]

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