He Waits

She wakes, stumbles downstairs, nothing in hand, clinging to the mug she sips coffee from.  And He waits… Kids clamor awake.  She pulls herself up from her slumbering state, feeding them, gets them ready for their day.  And He waits…. Bus comes.  Finally the house is silent. The demands of little hands aren’t there pulling at […]

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A Prayer – Don’t Let Me Slip

Oh God, we come to you today as needy!  We come in weakness, confessing we have no strength.  We are like pilgrimagers, sojourners, plowing away through this toil in hopes to find you. And why is it easier to look for you in places and other people…than to close our eyes, be still, and absorb your […]

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How Captives Are Set Free. And Your Part in it All.

“You are an intercessor.”  Ex-pastors wife says.  Among bubbles. And sun. And watermelon crying out for harvest. And it is like when you hear your name in a flooded room.  And you turn.  And question….. “Is that really me they’re calling?” For it has been some time.  Since knees lay raw.  On carpet floor. Crying out […]

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When Silence Speaks. And a nearly 100 yr old Aunt.

It’s been awhile.  But, then, it’s Mother’s Day.  And she has no children. I creep in.  Unnoticed.  Just a silhouette.  Me.  Her niece.  Forgotten a long time ago.  All because of Alzheimers. But, this time. So close to death. Her mis-wired head….leaves her with no words. And she is absolutely beautiful. And why is the silence…..most […]

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