God Sees. Coram Deo. And UNITE Link-Up.

I don’t speak Latin.  Probably never will.  Still, when I heard, “Coram Deo” in a service not too long ago….the words shot right through me.

I just knew, “Coram deo” was something big.  Real big.  I just knew somehow, something valuable lies in the Latin origin of these words I didn’t get.

And when words have the power to make you feel small….especially when you don’t know what they mean…you know they must be big, God sized.  From God.

Jotting to my notepad, I scribble, “Coram Deo”.  Then spend time looking up the definition.

Coram Deo according to Sproul being…

“To live in the presence of God is to understand that 
whatever we are doing and wherever we are doing it, we are acting under the gaze of God. 
God is omnipresent. There is no place so remote that we can escape His penetrating gaze.”

In other words “Corem Deo” means, “God sees”.  And I think about all the things we put between us and God:  Phone, schedules, internet, money, social activities.  No wonder God can seem so far away.

But what if we lived in and under the constant understanding that God is in our presence?  He not only sees us, but He sees through us, past our masks, through our logic and reason, beyond the high walls other people have to scale, to get to the core of who we really are?

What if we fully understood….God is, will be, and was here all along?

What if we knew, I mean deep down, that God is Sovereign (Lord, King, Ruler….in control) over all….when dreams fail, finances fail, people fail, hope fails, churches fail, our health fails?  

What if we tangibly grasped the reality that no matter where we are or what we do….God is with us, He is ever present, omnipotent…Would we live our life any different?  
  • Would Coram deo living strip us from empty, religious duty?  For when we understand fully, God is always there, we can crawl out of our white washed tombs, no longer dependent of works  driven attempt to draw us near Him.  
  • Would Coram deo living suffocate our own hypocrisy?  For if God sees and sees through us, we would be free to act no different regardless of where we are or who we are with.
  • Would Coram deo living drive us to purity, holiness, right relationship with God and others?  For if we understood His Lordship over all, we might not think we can get away with those secrets in our hearts, those thoughts, actions, or sins we keep from people in the dark.
  • Would Coram deo living free us from anxiety, depression, fear, superficial living?  For when we grasp, I mean really grasp the glory of God in our presence..continually….there is no need to doubt, feel alone, to run anywhere other than His indwelling peace.
  • Would Coram deo bring complete UNITY?  Forcing us to live selfishly.  Driving us to live solely for God and His glory, instead of hiding in a world kept perfectly wrapped up in our own egos?

For there is just something about understanding fully….God is here, in our presence….that rids us from needing, wanting, searching, cleaving to anyone or anything else but Him.
And oh how Jonah thought He could separate Himself from the presence of God.  Yet, even in the pit of a whales stomach, Scripture quotes the words…the heart….of a man like Jonah.  
  • God being, right there with Jonah…even in the belly of a whale.
  • God was with Paul and Silas in the prison cell.
  • God was with Joseph trapped in the well.
  • God was with Daniel in the lions den.
  • God was with Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego….even in the fiery furnace.

So today I encourage you….Wherever you are, whatever you are going through,  God is with YOU in the flames of your trails, in the dark pit of your discouragement, in the shackles of this life that may be keeping you back from the fullness of where God wants to take you.

Still, God is not with us to passively watch, micromanage, or observe and evaluate how good or bad we are.  God is near, here, with us, watching us….in order that He might free usThat He might open our prison cell, shut the mouths of lions, rescue us from the chains entangling us.

See, God never leaves us.  But He also looks upon us, with compassion, mercy, and love.  He is with us to wash us in His blood, to take us from the pit we are in and help us rise above the troubles of this life.

In light of “Coram deo”.  I ran across the essence of this lesson on an envelope my six year old gave to her Daddy.  Please know, we don’t walk around talking about clouds of glory, or Jesus sitting up in heaven, watching us night and day…daily.  Yet, while her dad was outside, struggling with a car he was working on diligently….my six-year-old somehow got a glimpse of Heaven.

She grabbed a crayon and starts painting from her heart, scribbling the unseen reality of “Coram deo”.
My six-year-old teaching me.  Knowing.  Understanding.  Even much better than I.  The essence of “Corem deo”.  The fullness of what it means to live by and from the understanding that…

God sees.

(Linking with JenTitus{2})

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  1. Coram Deo – the first time I became aware of God was when I was 4 and sulking in a closet, angry at my mother and she said, “God sees you in there, too” – and that is when we really met, though I’d sat in church since before I could remember – but I met God in a “God Sees” moment. Your post just went straight to my heart today:)

  2. We did some Latin in homeschool and I don’t remember any of it either, but like it. I like the thought of Coram Deo living. Thank you for sharing this today and also thanks for hosting the linkup party.

  3. Love, love this Jen! Coram Deo…I want to print this for a daily reminder that we cannot hide ourselves anywhere where God will not see us. God sees us even when we think we are hidden. He looks from heaven and His eye sees through the darkness. God sees our
    hearts. πŸ™‚

    Blessings my friend!

  4. Jen, I LOVE this! I was feeling a little ‘unseen’ today and really needed to hear this. Coram Deo… a beautiful truth!
    Blessings to you, my friend ~ Mary

  5. Never heard this word before but fascinating blog post. Reminds me of the verse in Genesis where God sees. I like what you written and you have given me something to ponder and pray. Thanks
    coming over from SDG and glad to find you

  6. So many great comments! Neat that so many took Latin before.
    Bluecotton – Such a powerful story demonstrating Coram Deo. Thank you for sharing!
    Denise – Yes, feel free to print this! πŸ™‚ You bless me!
    Mary – So glad this touched you, right where you are!

  7. Our stories – That has to be God…only God! πŸ™‚
    Jody – Thanks, my sister in the faith! Sure do love my little one!
    Amy – Absolutely! Kids are always the BEST teachers! πŸ˜‰
    Thanks Chelle & Jean for you comments too day! Love all your great comments! Love…you all!

  8. I’m late to stop in. Love this! Loved every word. I’d never seen the word before but what a beautiful. After writing for FMF yesterday on the word present this was a great place to come today. Thank you.

  9. Dear Jen
    Your daughter reminds me a lot of Jesus’ words that a little one shall lead them! I think she did for you to understand that BIG word! Oh, I need this reassurance daily with the Fm/ CFS. But I need to admit that it is in my illness that I truly came to know our Lord.
    Blessings XX

  10. I LOVE this, Jen. I just taught my kids that name last week. I put plastic googly eyes on everything- on milk jugs in the fridge, cereal boxes in the pantry, toothpaste in the bathroom… and I told them that each time they saw a set of funny little eyes, I wanted them to say out loud, “God SEES me.” We have been “watched” all week! πŸ™‚

  11. Beth – Just so glad you were able to stop by!
    Mia – Our children, always the most insightful of teachers…aren’t they!?
    Alicia – That is such a NEAT idea! Gotta LOVE visuals! I am sure they will remember those eyes for the rest of their lives…never forgetting how no matter where they are or what they are doing…they are NEVER alone! God sees! πŸ™‚

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