Crucifying “Perfect”. And When Meals Go Haywire.

Dishes clank.  The smell of red peppers and onions sizzle over the stove.  With garlic. Oven beeps. The aroma of sweetness fragrances our home.  Blending harmoniously, delightfully with the scent…of family. Each chair.  Taken.  Except the one empty. The one where the child of our hearts sat. The one waiting…for another. And we laugh.  Bellies roaring. […]

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Faith: The Real Deal vs. Phony, Flimsy, Fake Faith

There is a common trend in faith communities.  In secular communities. Sweeping across the thinking of a broad spectrum of people. It’s a trend called the power of positive thinking. It is the thinking that if we hold out an image (like a God) and believe in it… Hard enough…..Long enough…..With faith enough. It will come […]

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When You Air Your Dirty Laundry For All To See

“How are you?”  I hear with unsympathetic contempt.  From the one with twisted intent. Those that you try to run from when church service is over. You know them? And tight grips that once kept my life circumstances from slipping through gossiping lips……does not work anymore. Palms are open.  My story is out there for all to see. […]

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The Hippie In The Grocery Store

Drudging through the grocery store with kids. All wanting to be anywhere but here. And I search for spices that revive my spirit.  Amongst the chaos of it all. Needing tranquility to awaken my senses.  In this deadness of winter. And I see him.  A tall, type.  Hippy fellow. And he looks quite like me.  Hungry […]

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Unmasking Real

And He whispers…..“Be Real”. And yet, I come to him bottled up without notions of what real is. Like a shroud covering….                   Layer over layer.                                                  Felt…but not noticed.                                                                                   So long imposed… And I see them.  The masked.  Religious.  Hiding in black.  And I ache for them. The nameless, faceless ones.Unseen.                   Unknown.                                                 Unnoticed.                                                                                   Unloved… But then, I […]

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