When A Stranger Captures Me. Homeless.

I can’t get him out of my head.  A sunken feeling.  Leaves me breathless. From his image. We pass.  The world dances.  All around. And he sleeps.  As if…. An invisible species.  Many not thinking.  Worth redeeming.  Or feeding…..for that matter. And my husband asks, “Why”….”Why does he capture you so?” And my lips move voluntarily….as […]

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What If You Weren’t Privileged?

The lingering fumes of my neighbors garbage.  Burns alongside the road.  Waking me to another morn.  Another day.  Oh hoping.  And praying. And I sit.  Knees strong on the dust before me. First thing.  Like Abuela taught me. Praying to a God I don’t know. Nervously caressing the dangling emblem. Abuela gave me.  Strung around my […]

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When A Homeless Man Smiles. A Tent. And BMW’s.

In the city.  I read a story.  Pregnant homeless woman.  Losing her business.  Without money.  Begging for food. Because inside her….His light.  A gift.  A baby. And I see it drive by….as it almost hits us.  The symbol.  Significant.  Racing down freeway to get to its exit.  As if no one else exists……but them. Then, there […]

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Unmentionable Word

Word Unspeakable. Offensive. Disreputable. Disrespectable.  Disregardable to many. And it makes me question….. This word….is it part of our being? And do we often run from.  Reject. Disown things that reflect pieces of ourselves we don’t like? The word? Homeless. And I question…. Does this word offend us….because Home isn’t in us?  And this world…..though beautiful.  […]

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A Journal Entry – Mexico 1989

O.K. so I have always been a little strange.  As a child I remember being held captive by our black and white screen…..images of starving children in Africa & the reality of their pain.  (Not a lot has changed) …..While other children play outside & people run to and fro….doing other things. Started working at fifteen. […]

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