How Captives Are Set Free. And Your Part in it All.

“You are an intercessor.”  Ex-pastors wife says.  Among bubbles. And sun. And watermelon crying out for harvest.

And it is like when you hear your name in a flooded room.  And you turn.  And question…..

“Is that really me they’re calling?”

For it has been some time.  Since knees lay raw.  On carpet floor. Crying out with my sisters on behalf of others.  The world.  The church.

And, I miss the doors that heart cries open.  Those gut wrenching.  Passionate.  Chain breaking prayers. Surrounded by those who hear…..The voice of God.

And I think…..

  • Why is it easy to go to church…..yet, hard to pray?  
  • Easy to say, “We are Christian”….yet hard to get low & lift up a brother or sister in earnest pleading?
  • Why is it easy to post signs like, “We believe” on our walls. Or cars.  Or other places people can see.

……Yet, difficult to be sensitive to the spirit.  Silent.  Still.  Listening.  Simply praying when we are burdened.  Not asking questions. Just knowing….It’s enough that God sees. Our job…to hear. Simply repeating…whatever He says to us….in prayer.

Is it sometimes we get lulled into thinking….“God has everything in control. We don’t need to throw ourselves before the Lord and petition Him desperately?”

Is it not prayer that opens doors to healing, wholeness, oneness with the heavens?

So, why don’t we pray?

After all Paga’ means (In Hebrew), 
“Making intercession”. 
To reach up. Pressure.  Assail with urgent petition.  
It’s a falling upon in battle.  Meeting up with the enemy in hostile intent.  
Catching up with His purposes, making urgent requests. 

But, how often do we shrink comfortably into the world instead?
Trying to pretend that everything is o.k…..And that, we don’t actually need to pray?

And I wonder if the enemy trembles at the strength of those weakest Christians, on their knees?

  • So he distracts us instead.  
  • Fills us with false contentment.
  • Creates in us offense.  So that emotions will limit us.  From loving. (The true power behind the most powerful of all.  Intercession.)

For was not Christ moved with compassion before the healing?
Is it not the heart of the Father coming and taking up residency in those most believing….that brings down the heavens?

  • So why so many ‘lip service’ prayers?
  • Why so many emotionless, non-nonchalant powerless prayers?
  • Why so many faithless, carnal minded prayers?

Isn’t He the heaven maker? The earth shaker? The one that came to set the captives free?

Isn’t it our job to be just like Him….Jesus?  The one who bore the sins of many….and made intercession so that we could be free?

So, who are we? And who do we want to be?  Bound up in sin bound cages, with ropes?  Entangled by the enemies schemes?

Or am I?  Are we……intercessors?

Letting go of offense.  And praying.  Simple. Powerful.  Submitted.  Humble prayers before the Lord….

So that we can…see….His Kingdom truly come.

And captives set free!!!

Making intercession.
As He makes intercession for us.
“Christ Jesus, who died–more than that, who was raised to life–
is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”  
~ Romans 8:34

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  1. “Letting go of offense” – SUCH a powerful word, and it’s the key to our freedom! But you’re right about the enemy distracting us. My train of thought will often barrel down a dangerous track.

    Linking up from Walk With Him Wednesday,

  2. Yes Susan – That His purposes and His purposes alone would prevail & that the enemies schemes would fall dead in their tracks. Thanks for popping by! ~ jen

  3. If Christ in all His mighty needed to pray, how much more do we need to pray? So much more, because the Devil trembles at the thought of us praying and talking to our savior.

  4. Brownie – Amen, my sister. But then I think of how audacious we can be sometimes, thinking we got things covered…bi-passing talking to God. Lord, forgive us.

  5. Emily – I know, why is it we….why is it I…often use prayer as a last resort? When God is there, waiting, anticipating communion with us…knowing what we need even before we ask? Waring with you today my friend, in prayer & faith. ~ jen

  6. I have sometimes wondered why prayer is necessary. Certainly God has everything under control without my pleading for something. But the Bible says to pray and prayer sometimes changed God’s mind as we have examples in the Bible. I see it somewhat like a child asking his parent for something. The parent will give the child what he needs (if he is a good a good parent) but sometimes the parent goes a little further and gives the child something because he wants it so badly. I think God does this. However, even if we want it badly, if it is not good for us, he says no.

  7. Charollote – Great analogy. Though He gives us the desires of our hearts & will often give us beyond what we could ask for or imagine…God uses prayer to make us one with Him.

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