Risk Being Made A Fool Of?

“Ugh!”  It’s all I can say as I drive away.  First I said “yes” to going on a missions trip to Dominican Republic, because my husband miraculously woke up with some kind of revelation, “We are supposed to go”...He announces…  

Not just one morning…but two.  (You can find that post HERE)

And I have learned by now, that when light shines right in front of you, it’s simply foolishness to turn away, shrink back, say “no”…when the life of faith demands following all that is bright and lovely.

I felt flat-line peace…if you know what that is?  (I don’t really…) But, I guess it’s where grace settles, and emotions lie dormant….and what is…is just what is….nothing more, nothing less.

But then, we went to the meeting.  And I am asked to start dancing, singing, jumping up and down to Spanish lyrics?

O.K. and so I have been married to a Latin man for more than two decades….but quite frankly, my Spanish is scarce, (consisting of a few nouns I learned on flashcards twenty years ago).  Plus, my accent is completely gringo….

Did I mention I am uncoordinated.  And that I have ADD, which means I can’t concentrate on hardly anything for very long?

How was I going to learn five (did I already say FIVE?) songs in Spanish?  Not just that, but dance around in front of our pastor, and the elders of a church in a foreign country filled with hurting children.

I panicked.  No….I had a tantrum.  (Being truthful and honest)

But then, I thought of the challenge from Amy over at Amy Sullivan.  #Riskrejection.  Her words and heart challenging a group of us to go deeper, think bigger, live bolder than we ever have before.

But still, while we taught Sunday School for eleven years, and danced with motions all the while….to dance in front of the leaders of the church….well that’s just a totally different thing.

I wiggled, squirmed, thought about, “forgetting rejection”….and just playing it safe.

But “safe” is always the “enemy of risk”.  “Safe” will always have a collision with “bold challenges”…even if we grip it ever so gently.  To be bold, we must let go and jump.  We must dive in, head first….no hold’s bar…all or nothing!

Still, it didn’t help that my Spanish speaking husband kept teasing me over and over again, saying the song lyrics….“Tango, tango, tango” in my face like a taunting older brother.

I raged….at first. Though I knew he was teasing.  Ready to follow my first instincts…and do what comes most naturally….RUN! But then, a righteous anger rose in me whispering somewhere unseen, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.”

And instead of ignoring it, His Spirit surfaced more, like lava rumbling from somewhere deep inside.  And I blurt out, “That’s it….if Christ can go to the cross…get humiliated in front of everyone he loved..surely I can jump around in front of Dominican people in over-bearing temperatures, making a absolute and complete fool of myself.”

And as hope started rising, I remember Marcella and Kevin, who used to be the Children’s Pastors at our old church.  I remember the dancing and craziness they had with their kids.  And one line of a song keeps popping in my head….

“I.  Will.  Be.  Even more undignified than this.”   

It was a song about King David and how his own wife teased him when he spun around in front of his people in exuberant joy and exceeding praise.  And instead of caving to the taunting, He told his wife, Michal….

“I will be even more undignified than this, and I will become humiliated in my own eyes.” 
2 Samuel 6:22 

or the Message version… 

“In God’s presence I’ll dance all I want! He chose me…. Oh yes, I’ll dance to God’s glory—more recklessly even than this.”

A picture of Marcella dancing wildly around the children fills me with joy. Just the thought of it…so freeing, empowering, beautiful, and contagious.

Marcella and Kevin are now missionaries in China.

So, my #riskrejection this week is to get small.  It’s to say “yes” wherever God calls.  Being willing to “go” or “do” whatever He asks of me, squashing my pride and letting God rise….so that He can get all the praise.

Realizing, fully getting….isn’t not about us anyway.

After all, a life of faith requires we serve God wherever He asks.  And if that looks like dancing in a VBS in the land of Dominican Republic….then I will do that!  Without shame, or question.

I will follow.  And I will shrink myself for His name sake….for He is holy and worthwhile.

Because living with abandonment and risking rejection isn’t about us anyway…it’s about showing the love of God to His precious children!  It’s all about His Kingdom!  His purposes!  His Lordship….

And today I choose to be a sheep.  Following wherever He leads.  Even if it means dancing, in a language I don’t know, in front of a people who may not understand….

Just like the man after God’s own heart, King David.

What public humiliation have you risked for God lately?  How might you step out more boldly, so that Christ may be lifted high and all men might be drawn to His glory?  I would love to hear your stories…

I also would love all your prayers, as we leave for Dominican Republic in a few weeks.  We will get to meet our sponsor child, staying in the village our church is supporting, and of course we’ll be doing a VBS.

Want to join me and others as we take on the challenge of risk rejection?  Find us HERE or on Twitter with the hash-tag #riskrejection.

Lots of love to each of you, and thank you for being a huge part of my journey,

(Linking with Tracy)

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  1. This right here is the truth I know but so often need to be reminded of: “Because living with abandonment and risking rejection isn’t about us anyway…it’s about showing the love of God to His precious children!”

  2. What beautiful obedience. I pray over your gringo dance moves now and that it will be a dance of your soul in response to God’s amazing love and power. That you’ll forget it’s you out there and that his Spirit will be dancing, singing and moving through you.
    Oh and what an awesome thing to spend time with your sponsor child! So awesome.

  3. Jen- how brave you are to become undignified- being like Jesus and going even where it is mighty uncomfortable.
    I had a precious visit from a prayer partner this avo and I was telling her about you and how God first called me to pray for you more than a year ago before your foster daughter was adopted.

    Jen- I am praying for you- that you and hubbie will be of one and heart and mind about this trip- and that you will find God’s ways through the difficult things!

    A thousand blessings and my commitment to pray.


    1. Mary – There is no greater gift you could give than prayer! I thank God for your heart and willingness to petition God for us friend!

  4. Thank you for sharing your process as you wrangled with the risk you were asked to take. It just goes to show how difficult it can be to take risks and how we must make a choice in it. I loved the verse about becoming undignified. It’s the ultimate surrender — to let go and be free without worrying what anyone else will think. Watching that through you will be a beautiful testimony to the children you are serving! Best wishes on your adventure!

    Christy @ A Heartening Life

  5. I love this. Because often He asks us to step completely out of our comfort zone in order to really get what He’s trying to teach us. I’m with you – I don’t know how comfortable I’d feel dancing it up in front of anyone! But I think it’s so wonderful that you did. And will.

  6. YES! A thousand times YES! I’ll become even more undignified than this. . . . what a great teaser for #RiskRejection because we are all surely becoming small in order to accomplish His will for our lives.

    Cheering you on friend! Dance girl! x

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