A Call To Stand Firm When The Battle Rages

Oh friends, stand firm. 

When the world spins, like Wizard of Oz, taking us from the land that we love.

When lives fall, bend over like the Leaning Tower, and things we have held onto for so many years, crumble from lack of strength.

Hold fast.

When there are rumors of blasts, attacks and Giants in the Land. Don’t forget…

We are the Sons and Daughters of the God of Abraham…

Decedents of David, that Mighty Man of War…

The man who lulled Saul to sleep with His worship of Yahweh. Annointed, called, chosen, long before His position as King of his falling nation.

And loved ones. We are the rightful heirs.

Heirs to the throne of heaven.

Annointed with His blessing, not because we good, in and of ourselves; but because we fall on our knees and accept our positions, as the least of these…

Hand-picked servants of the One True King.

Chosen by His mercy.

We were never made to retreat. Bow to the lies, and hide from the pain of a land we so love, crumbling underneath our feet.

We stand on the Rock, remember?

We are not as those on sinking sand, holding their daggars, yet slipping slowly into oblivian.

We have the war cry of Deborah in us, a woman, a judge, who led the battle, despite seasoned warriors fighting against her.

We need not hide like Elijah in a cave…

But rise like when he faced the worshippers of Baal, those vial, lovers of selves, coveting worldly esteem, power and possessions.

And yes, friends…

Moses ran into the desert…

But that wasn’t his perminent residence.

Moses’ call was to go back into the land, the land of the oppressor, the land where the captives lived without freedom…

Worked without a voice to help them.

Yet, prayed in their slavery for the God of Abraham to deliver them from their misery.

Moses’ call was to set the captives free. He did that. Will you and me?

Nehemiah, in the castle of Shuslian, was segregated, separate.

He could have stayed in the safety of his quiet, protected dwelling. But instead, He stepped out amongst the people.

He loved them, not just in words, but in deeds…

As he rebuilt the wall alongside the common people.

Standing near them in hardships, guiding with dirty hands…

Holding a flame amidst the place God’s people worked in their vulnerability.

So, why do we run from hard? Why do we retreat into our safety? Shrink back from the complexities of it all?

Weren’t we made to fight?

Daniel didn’t lay down and die?

He didn’t give up His worship through prayer and submission, just because some law forbid him to pray.

Daniel committed, submissive to the One who still reigns, forsaking the land that was anti-god in his day.

Daniel wasn’t taken; fighting, clawing, and striving his way away from the Lion’s Den.

Instead, he walked willingly towards the ones who wanted to destroy him.

Daniel’s God was bigger. His faith was stronger. His commitment to His first loved, triumphed over his own concern for safety.

So, why do we tremble and fear? Why do we lay down like cowards at the slightest sound of old grasshoppers in our ears, promising plagues if we don’t obey?

Are we not the people of God?

Are we not of those who have his blood obediently splattered over our doorstops.

And even if death himself came, don’t we know we can trust our God to protect us?

We have nothing to fear!

So, let’s walk into the fire, towards the suffering, for our God. Willing to be tied, standing in the flames, like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego.

We are never alone.

He stands with us in the fire.

The flames of this world cannot consume us.

Giants have always rulled the land. Evil has always prevailed in this nation, since the days of Eve and the sin of the apple seeped into creation.

But one thing will remain, one thing cannot and will not be shaken. Our God who is immoveable, like the mountains rising from the land.

He is still the God who pours down manna on the hungry, leaks water from a Rock, leads His people out of captivity, and walks with us on waters of adversity…

Regardless of what we face.

So, let’s stand.

Stand with David. Stand in the battle, while the rest of the army hides their faces, cowering in the hillside, trembling with fear.

We have five smooth stones; faith, trust, courage, obedience and praise. And with them…

We can be bold. Courageous. Fearless. Faithful.

Let’s shout with our ancestor:

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.” (1 Samual 17:45)

Rise from your positions. Leave toxic messages that tell us we will fail.

Rise, as the people of God…

In this hour. In faith.

The God of Ages, all of heaven and angel armies are rising unshaken, going before us.

Rise and watch the God of Nehemiah, the God of Moses, the God of Daniel and the God of Deborah fight for us in this storm.

This battle is not over yet.

The King of Glory has won.

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