Locked Down for What?

One local gym is closing after the state threatens civil lawsuit because they opened. Another gym, in our area has been facing civil sanctions from the state.

P.A. Fitness owner, Mike Jellison says, “Our consitutional rights are being violated so badly.” (Read more here) He goes on, “I do get I’m defying the governor’s order, but the governor’s order is not the law.”

He believes his gym is essential.

But, before you laugh, just think about the connection between our physical bodies and mental health. When we are moving, we are reducing stress, therefore, creating a healthier lifestyle….

Every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide according to WHO.  And according to The Washington Post, the Coronavirus Pandemic is pushing Americans into another mental health crisis. (Read more here)

American Psychological Association suggests letting people continue in hobbies and healthy activities as a benefit for mental health, keeping the suicide rate from rising. (Read more here)

And yet, we can’t work out. Can’t go to church. 

In fact, Chicago threatened to close three churches that didn’t obey their commands, despite President Trump announcing on Friday, all churches open. (Watch the President’s speech here)

The Illinois Supreme court went as far as declaring their right to “destroy” churches that don’t comply, “without process”. (Read more here)

Friends, don’t you see what is happening?

A church in Missippissi was vandalized and BURNED DOWN after not complying with distancing orders. The mispelled words of those who destroyed it said, “Bet you stay home now you hypokrites.” (Story found here)

I have to ask, why is Walmart, Costco and Cabella’s “safe”? Yet, churches are not?

Why did my friend just share how her relative’s friend was arrested at the beach, and given multiple misdemeanors?

A surfer alone in the water was arrested in California? (here)

Why are schools closed down, yet daycares are flooded with kids so professionals can work? Why the double-standard? Why the clear biased against houses of worship?

A local church is having it’s attendees register before coming. REGISTER? The last time I did that, I was in Communist China?

People! This is America! Registering to eat, buy food, or attend worship is ludicrist.

Why are we handing our freedoms to those in power? Giving away our rights? Submitting to evil?

Everyone except for a few, select, power hungry officials, say, we MUST get the economy moving again.

Isn’t it strange, the states where Coronavirus first started spreading were those who had the highest amount of abortion clinics in our country?

Those same states now have the highest unemployment rates. (View map here)

My state? Washington? The state where they have passed a Comprehensive Sex Bill for children, a state they let Satanist worship and hailed Satan inside the capital?

Washington now has a 30.8% unemployment rate. And yet, jobs are still closed, gyms and businesses are getting fined…

While our state’s governor allowed a breach giving Nigerian Scam Artists 200 million dollars of the American People’s money. (Here)

Money…alotted to be used for unemployment benefits.

Worse yet, people’s very lives and privacy, social security numbers and identity have been stolen. And no one is doing anything about it.

I have heard of ten people already being frauded and stolen from. Identities were taken from another dozen more in a city that’s near me.

And yet, we have to believe, when our President gave over power to the elected officials, He knew there would be a ripple effect, trinkling down to the people.

Oregon? It just passed a bill where tax payers fund FREE abortions to not only every individual who wants them…But also to illegal imigrants. (More here)

Do we as Christians sit silent? Do we speak up? Do we storm our capital and elected officials with picketing and petitions stopping bills like those teaching young children about sex?

I felt a wave of hope come over me, after our President officially announced places of worship OPEN. 

Trump says, “Some Governors have deemed liquor stores & abortion clinics as essential, but have left out houses of worship. But it’s not right. So, I am correcting this INJUSTICE & am calling houses of worship as essential.”

Our President goes on to say churches can open this weekend & any governor that says otherwise, the President himself will over-ride their decisions.

President Trump ends with, “America needs more prayer, not less prayer.” I couldn’t agree more.

Yet, I was haulted by our Governor. My church and so many others refusing to fully open? Why? In the Bible did they only hold church when it was allowed or legal?

How about people from other countries? How about The Voice of the Martyrs? People in Third World Countries? Do they only stand for Christ when it seems safe or even comfortable? (More here)

I jumped in my car that next Sunday and recorded a video. I couldn’t deny that I had a legal right to attend services and I was aching to gather in His presence. (Video here)

When I returned, I shared a little bit about my experience and entitled it, “Underground Church in America?” (Video here)

See, my Chinese brothers and teachers have taught me a lot; how to be brave and fearless, bold and Spirit-filled. They have showed me that God isn’t stopped because of corruption.

Evil only exposes light and presses it further into regions that otherwise might not have experienced Jesus.

Let’s stand and rise and spread Jesus. People are desperate for Him right now. We all are needing Him to come and bring peace in this season, perspective through trials, and hope, when the world around us…

Appears blind to what’s really happening.

** I wrote this post weeks ago. Since then, our world has seemed to have gone mad.

The streets are in riots and protests. My own city of Seattle, Capital Hill, is presently being held hostage, offering a list of demands, by Antifa. Armed men are taking shifts, declaring you are, “Leaving the USA”, if you pass their road blockades. (More here)

Please friends, let’s not bow to anyone except for Jesus. He is our only King, our ultimate authority, the one we look to for hope and peace and justice.

Tens of thousands have stood arm to arm, rioting in the streets. Yet, we’re still on lockdown? Our churches either still closed or we are not allowed to worship in case we spread this virus?

I encourage you friends, raise your praise. Turn up the music. Blast the name of Jesus loud and proud. Because there is nothing more powerful than praising Him in the pain, in the hurt, in the midst of a world gone mad.

This world is not our home.

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