What Has Your Attention Most? Is Jesus REALLY Over Everything?

As I think about Jesus being “over everything”, I think about feeling small, standing, gazing up at a cross, in a larger than life Cathedral in Lima, Peru.

I think of my bloodied Savior, looking down in regret at the sins of man. I cowardly bow by head in humble (and maybe a little fearful) submission.

But I have to ask? While a high and lifted, holy Savior gave His life up for us…Is that a worthy, accurate and complete representation of God?

That same image that can shrink us small? Isn’t that only half the story?

Shame can lead us to our knees. But it is only grace and mercy, His love and goodness that save us and set us free.

If we are going to be risen children, redeemed by the blood of the lamb (Rev. 5:9) , sharing our testimonies (Rev. 12:11), walking victories in power and purpose in a season where the whole world seems be collapsing in fear and trepidation…

We must not only see Jesus as bruised and beaten, bloodied, and pierced for our transgressions…

We must see Him as lifted and resurrected, holes in hands, coming to us willingly all for the sake of love.

We must know, Jesus is not just righteous, but compassionately a “friend of sinners” (Matt 11:16-19). That qualifies you and me.

Christ is not just some ticket to get those who profess Him into eternity. He is near (Phil. 4:5) and not far from us (Acts 17:27). He daily walks with us.

He has never left or forsaken us (Hebrews 13:5). He is with us (Isaiah 41:10). He calls us “friend” (John 15:14).

And when we see this God/man as someone we can trust, someone who has always been faithful (2 Tim. 2:15), though the whole world is not…

We begin to lavish in the love that led Him to the cross.

We draw near with our whole hearts and walk in humble adoration instead of shame-filled obedient submission…

We can dance before our King, like David….Because we know His power has come and set US free.

We can obsorb, not just the words, but the heart behind Paul’s cry…

“I count everything as loss compared to the possesssion of the PRICELESS PRIVILEGE (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus MY Lord and of progressively becoming MORE DEEPLY and INTIMATELY AQUAINTED with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understaanding Him more fully and clearly].”  Phil. 3:8

Oh friend, won’t you read that again?

Knowing Christ is a PRICELESS PRIVILEGE, not an act to be feared, dreaded, condemned or run from.

Christ in this passage becomes “MY (the readers) LORD”.

  • Not some statue we look upon.
  • Not some system that shames us into repenting.
  • Not some set of rules enforced by man, meant to intimidate or cast us into some corporate type of molded submission.

If we confess Christ….We are FREE. Children of the King. 

We are given the GIFT of knowing Him. His very purpose is to come and set the captives free (Luke 4:18).

He opened a door that was sealed, broke down a wall that separated us and eternity. He ripped the veil when He gave up His life for you and me (Matt. 27:51).

As a result, we can today, approach the throneroom of grace with ALL BOLDNESS and assurance that the God of the Universe not only cares, but He hears our prayers (Hebrews 4:16).

Paul continues on…

“For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubish (refuge, dregs) in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the annointed One).” v.8


As we know Him, His place in our hearts take precedence, and the things of this world become insignificant and futile.

Verse 10 says, “[For my determinated purpose is] that I may KNOW HIM.”

Yet, if this season has taught us anything, quarantined from all of life’s so-called “business”. Normal life stripped away….

Our own hearts perhaps most of all these days, testify back to us, whether we actually KNOW and are a friend of God.

Do we KNOW Him, or have we just used him as an ego booster? Allowing Him in, only when we need Him?

Is He a weekend ritual? Or is He King and friend, Savior over every single area of your lives?

Let’s Give Him Everything, Together.

Lisa Whittle has a podcast, “Jesus Over Everything”, (A.K.A. “Joe”) This week, she challenged her listeners…

Will we take time and recognize anything that might be bumping out the place in our hearts where God lovingly desires to reign?

  • Are you attached to “Add to Cart” on Amazon?
  • Can we not get enough of Instagram, or other social media?
  • Are we addicted to news, or the latest in what is happening in the world? 
  • Have you been having one too many drinks, eating obsessively, working out insanely, or are caught up in the idea that if you just look in the mirror one more time, you might feel significant or loved?
  • Have we placed our hope in assets or materialism? Success or our own reputations?

We are spirit, not just flesh. And although God is not evilly trying to shrink us with His glares or scold us into some small image with fear and intimidation…

He does want us to become holy. He does long to capture ALL of our hearts…Not just those areas that are easy or convenient to give Him.

The next six weeks, Lisa Whittle is going to go through a series where she challenges her listeners to give something up that has been holding captive places of our heart…

Those places God wants to come and encounter us.

Lisa is giving up shopping and consumerism. But the area God leads you to give up can be anything; Netflix, wine, gossiping, speaking harshly.

There’s no “hard rules” to what God might lead YOU to let go of during this season.

The point is to “let go” and trust God, placing Him over those areas of your life where you struggle or fight for control.

Will you join me and Lisa together along with a large group of us, laying ourselves down, so God can reign supreme? (If so, you can start the journey with us, HERE)

I think we can agree….We all want to walk out of this quarantine, not just saying we survived it.

We want this time to have been used for something, something good, something beautiful…something bigger than ourselves. And to do that, we first, must get out of the way. 

I shed tears as I looked up at the larger than life statue of Jesus in Peru. At the same time, I also remembered an empty tomb. A Christ who drew close to sinners….people like me.

And I was reminded, He is not repelled by evil…but draws near with light that He might bring healing and redemption.

He loves you so much, friend.

Now, won’t you let that love be the motivator to give up what might hold us, so we can all burn a little brighter, live a little lighter, reflect a little holier, the beautiful image of our God…

One that is not only our Lord…but a Savior who is draws near to us with mercy and compassion and loves us so much…

That same God who shed His blood for us, no longer calls us servant…but has chosen us, as “friend”. (John 15:15)

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