Who and What is REALLY Behind Coronavirus

I ask my dark-haired, Latin husband, as he stirs scrambled eggs for three of our adopted daughters, “Do you know what ‘Corona’ means?”

“Crown”, he answers without stopping a second.

“Are you sure? How do you know?” My skepticism rises.

“The word is Spanish.”

I stop, freeze in the kitchen, convinced my Spanish-speaking husband knew what he was talking about. He lived in Peru, is fluent in Spanish and has interpreted for Spanish-speaking people, for years.

“Crown….Crown of sickness and death…Hmmm.” I silently loop these words around my mind, until they fill my flesh.

This is the same flesh that woke up scrolling for information about a virus that put my whole state in lockdown.

I thought of the photos of those on ventilators, others asking for prayer for their parents, and those saying they need a miracle for their family member.

So many in Washington seem to be suffering.

It can be hard not to be consumed with this event; this unprecidented, one-of-a-kind, modern-day epidemic.

The last time I saw real confinement was on Little House on the Praire. People were locked in their houses as Scarlet Fever spread through their one country store, sawmill and school/church building.

Today, the whole world is affected. It’s not just on some t.v. show….This is real life.

It has quietly come, in the veil of night, and robbed people one by one, all over wealthy and poor continents, north to south, in winters and summers.

The wall where sickness stops seems to be defied continually.

Some say, where it’s hot the virus will end. But it’s not.

Others convince themselves, “Only the old are getting it.” Yet, cases of younger and younger people are now infected.

So we watch, look, fill out minds and eyes with what by far has taken over every fabric of our being, every ounce of our energy, possessing every thought and decision.

Coronavirus is now playing Lord over jobs, resources, families and even people’s mental health. It seems everywhere we look, Coronavirus is there.

Yet, if we take the word, “Coronavirus” and replace it with the word “crown”, we can look at the characteristics of Satan and win this war of lies.

Satan, a fallen angel has had one goal since the beginning of time, to take the place of God, as high and lifted up, and steal the spotlight from a Sovereign and mighty God.

Pride is what brought down Satan and pride is still what brings us, mere mortals, lowered, to our knees today.

To sum up Scripture, Satan wants the “Crown” of Jesus. He wants the world to look on Him and not to Jesus.

Satan also is said to “Prowl around like a lion seeking to destroy who he may.” (1 Peter 4:8) Tell me that doesn’t sound like the invisible pandemic we known as Coronavirus, today?

Satan lastly has three job titles, “To steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10) 

He is The Deceiver (Revelations 12:9), the one who jealously seeks all glory, the one who prideful DEMANDS we look upon Him, instead of humbly shifting our eyes to Jesus.

If you are anything like me, it feels like there is a magnet drawing you to the t.v., newspaper, and/or the internet.

“Inquiring minds want to know,” we whimsically justify.

Yet, God calls us to look upon Him (Psalms 105:4), and we will not be shaken (Psalms 62). In the middle of the Egyptians rushing God’s people….Moses didn’t stare at the soldiers, calculating coldly who would be the next to die (Exodus 14)….

Moses looked heaven-ward, lifted his staff and eyes, callingon the God of Creation to save him and his people.

Moses eyes were fixed where he knew His hope dwelled. As a result, waters parted, God made a way, and His people were rescued from most certain bondage and death.

Yet, in battles, like that of a virus spreading our earth like an angry lion, prowling around as we helplessly lay shocked, like wounded, helpless prey…

God calls us to rise like David, to lean on The Rock of All Ages, and to fix our eyes on The One who ultimately holds our faith.

Giants fall in our own minds and hearts when we stop looking at certain threats, giving wait to arrogant mockers of death, and start boasting how BIG our God is.

Satan’s main goal is always to shift our eyes away from God and onto Him (i.e. sickness, death, sorrow, worry, fear, doubt, our own intellectualism)

But the Bible says, “Seek the Lord and HIS strength, seek His presence continually.” (1 Corinthians 16:11)

What does that mean? It means, His presence can be found continually….

At every moment, in the good, bad and even uncertain circumstances.

“Seek the Lord your God. You WILL find Him if you seek Him with all of your heart and with all of your soul.” (Deut. 4:29)

Oh friends, “The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.” (Psalms 14:2)

We are not victims. We are not helpless. We are not prey that hopelessly bow to the powers of some Coronavirus. We are children of God, mighty in Him….Chosen, loved and watched over by our King.

We have the God of all Creation on our side.

And the solution isn’t commanding and demanding a God who is Sovereign to do what WE think is best.

The power comes when we can shift our eyes away from sickness and death, away from the “crown of death” (Aka, the Coronavirus) And place our eyes on Jesus instead.

God is love and peace. He is selflessness and humility. God is all power and contentment. He is kindness, gentleness and patience….especially when things don’t go our way.

Today, we may be locked in our houses. We may have lost freedom in a lot of different ways. But we are not captives.

We are still ultimately in control of who and what we gaze upon….

We are not stuck between an army of death and a sea that won’t open. We are victors…Children of The King.

And in life or in death, there is hope when we fix our eyes on Him.

We serve a God who died upon a cross and holds the crown over sickness and death.

He rose on that third day.

Jesus also rose Lazarus who was once wrapped in death-cloth, filled with stench, motionless and lifeless for three long days.

And if He can do that? He can resurrect us too. So, let’s look upon His face.

The key isn’t controlling the situation…But taking the “Crown” of Coronavirus and laying it at His feet.

Satan won’t have my focus. It’s always and forever, only Jesus’. He is the one worth looking on. He is our hope, strength and joy….even in hard seasons.

“They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, ‘Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power.” (Revelations 4:11)

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