The Present You Have to Have (From Someone Who Hasn’t Shopped This Season)

My new, little trendy black backpack flings over my shoulder as I do a mental check-off; phone, keys, i.d. before heading out the door.

It’s a season where presents are central, a wild fury, enticing destiny since before Thanksgiving. Yet, the few gifts I’ve purchased have been from the internet, three books of a series of six arriving…

The countdown is on, yet something is stopping me from winding up in the tornado of shopping, the kind I seem to get caught up in every year.

The door opens, it’s my parents. A random visit with the ones who’ve framed almost the entirety of my being. My dad’s ticker has been failing. A man strong. His integrity a rare present, an unseen gift to this generations.

And I relish one more opportunity to wrap my arms around his neck. Hold the arm of a man who spent his life laboring for his family.

The presence of loved ones slows me from shopping…But that’s o.k. Material things will always be here, people will not.

I make a list. And keep adding to it. Still spinning from a trip to Disneyland, three adoptions, a large celebration party, our girl’s dedication and two birthdays…

All in one months time.

The tornado can take me, if I don’t pay attention. I can get lost in the frantic whirlwind I see on people’s faces as I drive to appointments…

But,  Grace and Rest grip me.

  • He finds me in the quiet, waking me at 5:00 and 5:30 to meet with Him.
  • He assures me of the value of people over purchases.
  • He gives me mercy to slow down. He consciously equips me to buckle back my worry, finding still in the present.

People are passing. Moments are slipping. Visits and time and relationships don’t stand still. Man-made packages, wrapped in isolated bows, do.

I remember this lesson He is teaching me this season.

Presence of people > presents.

My adult son comes home, suprising us all with early morning coffee and donuts. He is a six-foot four man, like my dad, who everyone looks to for strength and advice. He is solid and kind.

I watch as our newly adopted daughter’s climb on him. His patience surpasses saints.

It is not easy coming from a life of writing and media work to a noisy inferno rapidly changing; including babies and diapers, laughter and missed nap-times.

I stop and see this man-child God has given me. Loving, kind, handsome beyond belief. And I get teary as I write this….to think….God gifted me with a person, made in partnership with God, He is such a miracle, one once created inside of me.

And I wouldn’t have made Him any different…not one single ounce of Him. He is perfect. And I stand in this moment in awe….That I get to have a son so kind and compassionate, strong and intelligent.

People matter more than presents….He whispers, as I relish this moment.

Little girls laugh as they add candy to a gingerbread house, given to them by one of my dearest friends. People filled our house that day, celebrating our girl’s adoption…

And I wondered…

Why a party too? We went to Disneyland. We had a courtroom filled with people.

But, God reminded me…

These are the gifts that stood beside you. So many walked with, prayed, and loved our family over the 5 years and 8 months that unfolded, leading to this adoption.

The house erupts. I see faces of family here from Peru. A sister-in-law I adore who drove hours from Idaho to be with us.

We couldnt’ be more blessed.

People are the real gift. Time. Moments. Relationships with every, single living soul, changes us and makes us who we are.

I look inside my closet. The place usually filled with wrappings and packages, stockings and thoughtful things purchased just for those I love.

The empty space grips me. I think about how I should feel; guilty. But, then I am reminded of the loved ones God has flooded our home with this past month.

Neighbors stopping by. Adult children reminding us what a gift and blessing being a parent is. Friends, family….

A house filled with people who love us, have invested in us. Souls eternal, flooding our hearts with something more rich and beautiful than gifts wrapped in colorful bows placed underneath a tree.

Time with people, eternal, every one leaving life-prints that ripple for generations.

All the while, lifeless gifts in man-made bows are barely remembers by anyone in days to come.

I want to invest in people more than presents this year, don’t you?

I stop to sit in His presents. I hear Him whisper “Rest, child”. I wonder if He knows my list, if He sees my empty closet, cares about the pressure to have everything perfect come Christmas Ever.

Yet there, in the shadow of the sparkling lights of the Christmas tree, with the fire blazing, and the morning just waking to new chances and opportunities to be with people we love…

I hear Him whisper. I hear Him calm my soul and saturate my soul with peace and rest and truth, reminding me of what Home will be like.

“Rest, my child. Rest….People are more important than presents.”

And I know that includes me. My life counts. I am not here to just “get things done”. I am here to connect with God and others, to love because He first found me, ran to seek relationship…

And yet, through it all…He has the power to still my shopping heart, as I often try to fill the empty spaces with stuff.

“You are enough”. I hear Him say. “Rest”.

My heart beats slower, my eyes stop darting and I get the real reason for Christmas. A baby in a manger, quietly offered to you and me.

And although shopping will get done. Wrappings will scatter, kids will be overcome with presents and laughter and toys, come Christmas…

People matter more than presents. They are the real gift.

So, let’s stop and treasure those God has given us with; embracing moments where eyes lock, hands touch, smiles infect both strangers and those closest to us.

After all, He layed down His life to restore relationship, with people…

But especially with Him.

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1 Comment

  1. Jen I couldn’t agree more!
    Funnily enough I’ve been wanting to send a present to you all, but it hasn’t happened for many reasons.
    I think God is really getting us to focus on the gift of His son and not on tidbits wrapped in glossy paper.

    A thought came to mind reading this lovely post:
    In connecting our hearts ( yours and mine) God has given me the most precious gift imaginable- the gift of FAMILY.
    Being a small outrigger on your family’s lives is a great JOY..Being able to share in the JOY of the adoption has been a huge JOY.
    IN OTHER WORDS- you and your family bring me the gift of JOY like nothing else in my life.
    I am thanking GOD for you ALL and for connecting us.

    A JOY-FILLED CHRISTMAS to you all.
    Mama Mary.

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