Need-to-Know Facts Before Diving Into the Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life War

I was told the other day, there is a girl who found out she was pregnant. She is planning to abort her child.

She isn’t wicked, evil, or bad. Instead, she is an orphan herself, on the inside; forgotten, alone, and sad.

This week, New York made it legal to abort children up until their due date. There was rejoicing at this verdict, and misinformation, making it seem like these new abortion “rights” were “helping” women.

Yet, amidst all the emotion between pro-choice and pro-life, women like this young girl who just tested pregnant are failing to be considered, respected, thought of or defended?

As a result, infants, like in the days of Molech, or alters to gods of others lands, end up being sacrificed for some agenda, all under the guise of so-called, “helping” females?

Women don’t just wake up one day pregnant. And most are not victims, but instead willing participants in the very act that created these babies inside them.

Let’s be honest, these women did have a “choice”. A choice to participate and not protect themselves while have intercourse.

Yet, once pregnant, too many scold these women, induce more guilt or shame, demand them to keep, abort, or give up their infant, depending on their political affirmation.

How would this cycle change is we looked at our society as a whole? Started playing a role in protecting these young women from making the choices that lead to an unwanted pregnancy?

Where did we fail at loving those that needed help most, stop offering homes and help to those who didn’t feel love, valued, or appreciated?

Isn’t it girl’s who feel unwanted who most often make babies that are also so-called, unwanted?

Where does this cycle of “orphanhood” stop? When do we learn, as healthy, whole individuals that love is the remedy in the fight to end abortion?

I stood at Planned Parenthood with my children when they were little. My daughter was yelled at and cursed at by haters, while cowards drove by, spewing cuss words to a pre-teen from their cars.

All she wanted was to stand for what she believes in.

My adopted daughter also held signs, reminding women there are options, decisions that can be made that bring life and beauty….not just more pain and destruction.

From talking to people leaving abortion clinics, it is my understanding that no woman wants to kill her baby.

No miracle-carrier wants to hear the horrific sounds of her baby sucked out of their womb, cut to pieces inside her, or burned within, over a coarse of many days.

They may leave feeling “victory” but interally they know they will carry the memories of what they have done, forever.

Yes, I believe women are, by nature, good. They know they were made for child-carrying. They understand the beauty of a child growing deep inside them, the gift of a baby that could one day become a living-breathing human.

They say abortion is pro-“choice”, but what I have found is the women who abort often feel like they have NO choice.

From the ones I know who have aborted their babies, it seems it is often the father of their babies, their church, or guilt inducing families who have bullied or shamed them into abortions.

Often through force, coersion or abandonment, “choices” have been stollen from far too many women who want to keep their babies.

Every women was made for life, creation, beauty, and community.

Yet, when people rob good from them and choices steal their pureness, our society makes no way to parent with any form of dignity or respect, making them feel trapped and forced to “abort”….

Where is a woman’s freedom in that?

Norma McCorvery, also known as Jane Roe, (Aka Roe vs. Wade) once fought to legalize abortion. What most don’t know is that, she eventually became a born-again Christian, baptized in a swimming pool and was set on fire as one of the fiercest voices fighting to END abortion.

The woman who legalized abortion, soon became one of the toughest warrior against abortion

McCovery confesses, she was an unloved, high school drop-out, who was desperate for attention at the time of Roe vs Wade.


It is not “choice” women need, but education. Education to know, not just the phsycological effects of abortion on the woman, but effects on the man, in the birth triad.

Regret and nightmares, shame and fears, guilt and pain surface, science has proven, decreasing mental health in both individuals, post-abortion.

Alcohol use increases, drug use can begin, depression also increases in women who have had abortions.

Some even go back again and again, using abortion as a kind of birth control, at the long-term expense of future reproduction and their bodies.

In cases where men support life, women often give birth.

Yet, apparently we say it’s a woman issue? Why are we not targeting men, raising and teaching them to take responsiblity for the individual they helped to create?

Have we left out all the important equations as a society, making it only about a baby?

And what about adoption? If we are picketing pro-life, shouldn’t we be rallying around those women who give birth but aren’t equipped, for whatever reason, to keep their children?

Where is the community to stand and advocate, love and care for these children?

Haven’t we all gotten a little tired of shouting voices? Doesn’t the world need more hands who are willing to step in and practically love, utilizing every effort and help both woman and child?

I was talking to a black couple outside the abortion clinic one day. It was clear, they were ignorant that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist who intentionally placed Planned Parenthood in colored and poor neighborhods.

They didn’t know that some of her quotes included, “We want to extinguish the negro population”, “Birth Control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”

And what about the profit baring facilities, who perform abortions while profiting millions from the deaths of infants inside the womb?

We’ve all heard about Plan Parenthood selling baby parts, but what about the pharmaceutical companies profiting from vulnerable women who are told, “This is your best option”, or “Abortion will somehow ‘help’ you in the longrun?”

Where are these women’s advocates; more organizations and churches that gather around young women, loving them right where they are at; pre-pregnancy, during, and afterwards, regardless of their “choices”?

In my assisting, walking alongside, listening, and advocating for pro-life; I am convinced that women who abort aren’t inherently “bad”. They aren’t evil monsters who want to hurt their children. They are simply vulnerable and uninformed, pawns to other people’s causes, victims to abandonment or the lies they’ve been told.

Often times, they think “eliminating” the child inside them might spare them from what they personally have experienced as an “unbarrable existance” in a cruel and divisive world.


  • What if we loved as Jesus truly did? Came alongside women, and men, in their moment of decision?
  • What if we offered the child-carriers truthful information and gave them time to sit and meditate on the best, long-term decision for their infant?
  • What if we stopped shaming women for getting pregnant, and welcomed them with love and understanding?
  • What if we offered ladies resources, like ultrasounds in utero, so they would know what they have created aren’t just “blobs” or “a clump of cells”, but God-created miracles…..

Teaching them…

Infants have a heartbeat at 6 weeks. They can feel pain by 20 weeks. Babies in utero have brainwaves at 42 days, as well as fingernails and toenails.

What if we didn’t just treat pregnant mother’s like blind cattle, doing what’s easiest, leading their babies to the slaughter, but tended their souls, listened to their stories, came alongside them as friends instead of treating them like statistics…

So every women really would have the right to “choose” life, see her unborn infant’s heartbeat before being allowed to abort him or her.

All women, like the girl I recently heard about, could be walked alongside, just like Christ walks near us, not because we are worthy, but because HE loves us despite our imperfections or mistakes.

Mothers who feel unwanted often have babies who are unwanted. But none of us need to feel like orphans any longer, regardless of our age.

I guarantee, 99% of women, if they knew they were treasured and loved, their child had value and were wanted, they had resources and support, help and encouragement WOULD choose life; either by keeping that baby or giving it up for adoption.

As foster parents for over a dozen years, we have held many children who society would label “at risk”; kids whose mother’s couldn’t care for them, were medically challenged, or born as preemies, the age of more “typical” abortions.

Yet, with each and every child we held, none were “mistakes” or “unwanted”. All were loved. Each were precious, valued and cared for by the very God who made them.

And I thank God with each baby I hold, that their mom did choose life; regardless of their diagnosis, despite their present circumstances, knowing in many of their difficult situations it might have been easier to abort.

Call me an incurable optomist, but I believe, women who abort aren’t inherantly evil. They are just scared, vulnerable, lost, alone, and uninformed of the reality of abortion.

Behind every preemie we hold who was once a tiny, infant growing inside their mother’s womb, is a female who likely has never had any real rights, education, or information to choose.

Likely, she was vulnerable and manipulated by guilt-inducing parents or partners, told one-sided lies by some money greedy abortion clinics, or lied to, assured she would gain “freedom” or she would be offering “mercy” to the baby, by aborting.

Where is the real choice in that?

Let’s start by giving desperate women, the real right to choose. Life. Liberty. And the pursuit of happiness. Happines where babies don’t need to be pawns for corporate greed, women aren’t used to “manage populations” or bring in more corporate money.

Abortion isn’t just about the baby. It’s about all of us, as a society. And despite New York’s ruling to allow the killing of full-term babies, there is a truth deep inside us….

We are better than abortion.

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  1. Thank you for this informative post. This is such a complicated issue. I appreciate you sharing the reality of so many situations. Love and understanding so often is the most helpful answer.

  2. Clearly this was an emotional post for you. Please go back and correct the many errors so that your message is not lost.

    Thanks for sharing your heart. Stopping by from a linkup.

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