Revitalized Purpose? Impassioned Calling?

Exhausted. Burned out. Spent. Going on a dozen years of fostering children, I could relate to Peter, fishing all night; sweaty, drained, depleted….and yet sadly catching nothing.

In my own life, I was ready to pull up my net, stop discipling and training children, just to see them leave, a month or even two and a half years later.

I understood Peter’s pulling and striving, his hard work and persistence at what he must have felt like was his calling. Yet, his net remained empty.

Have you ever felt like you were walking in your purpose, but your heart lay barren, hands are empty, your life is like that net, pulled from the water, with nothing substantial in it?

100_0356Could it be, God is about ready to use that empty net, to show you the fullness of what He can accomplish by grace, in His timing, when we walk by faith knowing He is right beside us?

And I wonder, does God allowed empty nets after hard, black nights, just to contrast with His promise of what He can do when we stand before Him in the light?

I remember it well…

(Pop on over here to read the full article.)

Today, I am joining the ladies over at Missional Women writing. If you haven’t met them, the bunch of humble women who want nothing more than to be used by God, right where they are, you are missing out!

Stop on by and join me for the conclusion of, “How to Revitalize Your Purpose, and Impassion Your Calling”?

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