When UNITING = Revival!

It was late, one hot summer night. There was a Festival going on, in Seattle.  And we felt prompted to be there. So we drove to where it featured….powerful, well-known, life changing speakers. Like Nick Vujicic.  And others too.  Music also. But, as we circled the large auditorium.  We found people standing around.  In hoards.  On the […]

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Rising Like The Noonday Sun

Serving the world is not a burden. When you know.  And see.  And understanding the order of the Lord…. The first being last, the last being first.   Giving of yourself…. Offers a reward….though carnal eyes have trouble seeing it…. So, I ask….. How can you see the Lord shine forth in your own life? How […]

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Sickness. And the Cheshire Cat.

There is nothing like laying flat on your back for two days straight to put your mind in perspective. For sometimes standing straight up and plowing full force forward can delude ourselves to what we think we need to do…. And as my brother who has a large ministry for troubled teens continually says, “Humility isn’t […]

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