When His Shores Are Rest

The beach beckons.  Because indoors can’t contain my soul cry that needs deliverance.

And I am lured to the water, as a wanderer through the dessert seeks desperately for life.

And I know quite well by now….the earth and it’s foolishness never suffices.

It is only the Savior. The Creator. The One called to worship that can give peace through this storm….

And rest in the darkest of nights.

And I hold on tight to hope.  For hope has been my thread that is now a tight woven rope….

Over the years keeping me when foundations fall and I am left dangling.

And I take hold of what I know….

My God is Good. He will never leave.  He has never forsaken me.  

And I keep His Words close to my heart….devouring, like food, every morning, noon, and night.

And somehow, in heartache.  God’s Word becomes so much more than some words on a page….

But alive….Someway.  Stories which are my life.  As if time and place…..have no distance anymore.

And I feel the faith of Daniel.  Surrounded in the lions den.  And how His faith kept Him….safe from destruction.

And ShadrachMeshach, and Abednego …..And oh, how I go with them into the fire.

Refusing to worship false Gods…..and images made for and worshiped by man.

And how…..somehow…..in a crazy…..illogical…….most incomprehensible way…..

The fire doesn’t feel quite so hot.  And I feel the Holy One here beside me.

As I reach down to grab rocks.  And on this shore of question marks…..He somehow calls out….

“Come.  Taste and see.  The Lord is Good.”

And even in these softened minerals. I see God.  And remember how immovable He has been all along….despite the foolishness of man’s ways.

And even in the sunset…..the children dart to……Seagulls rush too……

I see the Son of God.

And I wait along shore…..for tides to change.  Yet, know they won’t anytime soon.

And in wings of soaring creatures……I see faith.  The faith that helped the early Christians…..when slain or tortured or beaten……

To sing in their pain.  Rejoice through their suffering.

And I know grace……was not surprised by my circumstances.  The enemy devours with the sword…..

But my Lord will win the battle.

And I let the silence witness to me.  For words have been too frequent. The noise more than deafening.

And in this waiting…..

I witness……

The Father around me singing.

And I want to rest right here…..along the shores.  Where small walls cannot consume me.  Distractions and others infractions……are forgotten in His presence.

But, I must go.

Back to the world where sunsets don’t drown the evening sky.

However, I know…..in time.  As night has just begun in my life.

That the promise of the Father is in this dimming light.  And soon…..after evenings light passes from my life.

The sun will shine again.  Morning will come.

And in mornings……His mercies will cry….

 “Get up oh stricken one…..and serve me with delight.  A new day has come.  You are my child.  In you and with you is the Maker of all life.”

And so, I shut my metal door.  And enter my transportation to my temporal home.


Taking the sunset with me. Holding tight…yes, ever so tight……to the hand of the Lord.

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  1. I’ve been studying angels in one study and ethics in another and Daniel and the boys show up in both. I learn so much about truth and faith from Daniel. And I know I will never be satisfied on this Earth.

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