Lions Rise…..In China

I see his face.  Bold One.  To youth. Here.  In China. And though words I do not understand. His eyes….Awake… Shine Light…. Like few I have ever seen. And words….though only spoken… ROAR!  With Holy Fire! …..And I am broken. Missing full revival fire that used to burn inside of me. And how I have coddled […]

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Ponderings from the Pond 3 – More Than Enough

Early Morning. The God rise. Calling me up.  Out. Toward Him. Where all Created things worship their Creator.  Me….just a small piece of the symphony of praise…..exalting the Most High. With tired eyes.  House Asleep.  Door to soul opens. Me. Carrying nothing….just self in blue pajamas. The best journeys toward Him….anyway.  Arms empty.  Decorated not in […]

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An Encounter with a Stranger on the Corner

Major intersection. Cars racing by.  We turn and look.  Spotting strangest sight. A man with a horn. Dressed in unconventional style. Signs announcing….. Jesus the Savior.  Curiosity drives us to question and see.          We spot a truck covered in scripture.                 Words declaring.                        The love of Christ. I stop in awe.  Speaker blaring…..Boldly declaring….How much we need […]

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What Are My Motives?

I sit, fingers curled, floating over keyboard. Screen staring at me.  White with hope of words. Effortlessly, instinct calls me to dart off like a jet, streaming words before me…. ….Leaving trails of thoughts behind me.    But this time…..I want to stop.  First.  Examine my motives. Why am I writing?  Why do I take the time […]

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Sewing Lives

Oh God, sew us together with love.  When life weighs. Pains rise. Bitterness presses us away from one another. Let love rise. When unforgiveness births within.  Recollecting pain from people or things that have happened.  May hearts soon turn to Him.  His truth.  His life… That love would rise. Sew us with your hand of grace.  […]

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