YOU are Invited to Meet Face-to-Face. UNITE linky

A twinkle in the eyes. The way we throw heads back in a full belly, carefree laugh. A nod of wordless “yes’s” that says, “I get you.  I hear you.  You are not alone.”  Hand moving, heart leaping, mouth grinning that says, “We are sisters. What you think matters.  You belong.”

James Borg states that human communication consists of 93 percent body language and para-linguistic clues, while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves.

And yet somehow as writers, we trust that 7% of what is said will somehow stretch itself to cover that other 93%.

So, what if we met in person?  What if we could leap up out from behind our phones or computers, and actually meet face-to-face?  Would our coffee taste richer, our laugh be echo-less, our smiles and eyes shine brighter into the lives of other people?

This April I hope we get the chance.  April 11th-12th, Missional Women is launching it’s first ever Missional Women Conference, in Denver, Colorado.

Before you say, “no”, link-up below, and move on…let me tell you a little bit about it.

First, this morning, I was thinking about Missional Women and why I love their heart….why I write for them.  I think the reason that Missional Women has such a huge place in my heart is not because I am an overseas missionary, but because

Missional Living, in a day of inward spirals and self-focus, is a lifestyle that pulls our vision away from ourselves, and puts our focus where it belongs….on others and on Jesus.

And whether your mission field is your children, caring for aging parents, college, work, your church, or your husband….you friend, are a missionary.

For a missionary is not just an overseas servant, living in a hut to feed starving children….a missionary is simply, one who seeks to shine Jesus (in words and in deeds), to all those they come in contact with….wherever they live.

And aren’t we happier when we slay our wills and focus on loving God and reaching people?  I know, I am.

So here is your chance to meet face-to-face and power-up together, with other women.  The details?

  • There will be 16 Speakers who are experts in their field. Keynote speakers will include communicator and songwriter, Shaun Groves; mom of seven, speaker of Harvest Ministry (to 35 nations), co-founder of “Loving Orphans” (caring for 1000 children) and co-author of several books, including the “Missions Minded Family” Ann Dunagan; and Women’s Development Coordinator of Master Plan Ministries, and creator of Missional Women, Laura Krokos.
  • Sessions include:  Blogging, Teaching and Writing, Marriage and Parenting, International, Social Media….and so much more.  I am so honored and humbled to be able to be speaking in Session Two about Adoption.
  • The conference will include an inspiring concern, a prayer mosaic, life-giving discussion groups, and so much more.  I guarantee you will walk away inspired and equipped to live on mission (not according to some formula), but in response to how God uniquely formed YOU!

The word, “stay” in the Bible is used 62 times in the New Testament.  The word, “go” is used 1,052 times.  
Have I convinced you yet?  O.k. but wait, here is the best part….
Tickets ordinarily are $119; which includes meals, all sessions, a concern, and an all access digital pass.  However….
This Friday, for Black Friday, the first 50 tickets bought, starting at 6 a.m. (MST), will be only $89.
So, are you in?
I would love to meet you there face-to-face; I would love to share a smile, some coffee, and just plain, good old conversation.
Hope to see you there…

(Linking with JenTitus 2)

Now it’s time to UNITE in this virtual community, for an all-inclusive linky!
The rules? There are none.  (However, it would be wonderful if you could post the button on the right side-bar, or a link back here.)
Also, if you can, please take a second and comment on the post directly before yours.  Hop around.  UNITE is all about community, joining, and connecting with each other!   

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  1. “…when we slay our wills and focus on loving God and reaching people?” Slaying my will! That is something that is never easy but always worth it once done. LIke David and Goliath…slaying that giant.
    The second part of that sentence is what life is really about and a purpose for which we are made! Thanks for this reminder of just who missionaries are, Jen.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  2. I have always said that the hospital nurse, the nutritionist, the teacher in our hometowns -every man or woman in every job – even as a cashier at McDonalds sharing Jesus through words or actions is an un-sung missionary.

    I think your woman’s retreat sounds awesome. Praying that one day God opens the door for me to attend!!

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