When UNITING = Revival!

It was late, one hot summer night. There was a Festival going on, in Seattle.  And we felt prompted to be there.

So we drove to where it featured….powerful, well-known, life changing speakers. Like Nick Vujicic.  And others too.  Music also.

But, as we circled the large auditorium.  We found people standing around.  In hoards.  On the outside.  Trying to get in.

But, there was no room. Like Mary who waddled to find a place for Jesus’ birth.

And rejection set in for some.  The what-ifs….

  • What-if we had left earlier?  
  • What if the traffic was clearer?  
  • How can we be out here.  Beyond the walls of this auditorium   While others sit safe inside?
  • How can we be better, do more, try harder….next time?

And we could hear them.  Those shouting, worshiping, riding on the crescendo of an adrenaline filling, Jesus stirring experience.

Those within the walls.  Those seated comfortably.

And though some standing.  Outside.  Excluded.  Got mad.  Felt rejected.  Defeated  And left.

A few of us. Almost hypnotic.  Smiled at each others.  And let love lead.  Coming together by the music playing in our hearts….by God, himself.

And almost unconsciously. Without anyone telling us.  Began gathering in a large circle without anyone instructing us.  

Just this silent drawing.  Together. UNITING. As one.

An older man’s voice rose first with…..“Amazing Grace”. We all joined in. Then, another began the next song of thanks.  And on and on….this God song circled.  Us all singing bold, loud, free songs of worship and praise…..

To God.

It was the closest thing I have ever experienced to a true, unengineered Revival/Kumbaya experience….

Drawing all colors and races.  Gathering families.  And singles. Tatooed.  Mohawks.  Skateboarders. Joining….wanting to see what was going on.  And the elderly too….

All one.  All UNITED.  In Jesus. Under Him.  For Him.  By Him. In the open without any walls or ceiling.

All singing.  One voice.  Song after song.  As If Jesus was the famous musician himself……leading man’s hearts.  Erasing all fears, divisions, doubts.

And we didn’t need a building….this ceilingless revival.  Or a professional, well known, gifted instructor to lead us….We had the good Shepherd as our guide.

And somehow, hearts became erased from all sin and pride.

And people didn’t flinch at walls of cement dividing us from the otherwise planned event we were missing. We had Jesus.  And He was more than enough.

Fifty people.  UNITED…..All except one.

There was this girl.  Young.  After awhile.  She stopped what everyone was doing.  She started telling people, “Now you need to do this and that”.  “We need to gather and separate….in pairs.” etc. etc.

But, the people didn’t need pairs. They didn’t need instruction from some teenager wanting to stand up and be seen….They needed God.

And just as gently as everyone stepping into the circle…they just as quietly walked away. Denigrating back into the world they once knew…. 

First one. Then two. Then more.

And within minutes when she stood up & wanted to be seen, the revival led by God….was over.

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  1. Amazing…and then heartbreaking. Oh, but I’ve been the girl of pride that wants to be noticed and I’ve been the girl that just wants to gather all together. May God redeem!

  2. Elizabeth – Amazing how God works sometimes & how grace covers over all our differences…when we let it.

    Jen – I hear ya! Thanks be to our Redeeming God!

  3. Jen, the picture you painted of this flock of worshipers reminds me of Colossians 2:2. “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.” All of you dwelling together in unity with a purpose to feel and embrace His almighty power and love…. What an authentic and real experience sister!

    Thanks for sharing; blessings and love!

  4. Jen, I’m so glad you shared this beautiful story of God’s presence in the midst. The girl you spoke of reminds me of…me. I’m sure there are times that I try to ‘engineer’ my days instead of being led by the Holy Spirit. I’m so thankful for His grace!
    Blessings to you ~ Mary

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