Following the “God Lead”

There was no way she could have known.  Coming home. There it was. A gift. A French Press…….and this.  Unheard of…. How did she know? I never told a soul…. Joan of Arc is someone I would have longed to know. A woman of strength. Conviction. Yet, humble beyond definition. How did she know?  Her quotes…next […]

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God Speaks

Driving past fields.  Farms.  Settlements well worn.  From pain staking, sweat earned….difficult years. Trying to clear head….                 Find rest from puzzles with sharp edges.                 And I recollect their beauty. …Any building still standing must have a strong foundation. And emotions surge.               As I grip all I have got.                           Fragments.                                    Pulled apart….And I ask…               Why is vision […]

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