Ponderings from the Pond 5: Empty

This time it’s strange. Normally. I feel suffocated.  Go outside. To breath.  Feel alive again.  Go out empty. Needing filling. But, this day, I stroll outside.  Man made walls. With both hands full. Not empty. Camera in one hand. Disappointment in the other. Waking up to.  Coffee creamer.  Non-existent. Settling.  With Chai Tea and light Vanilla Soy Milk. […]

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How we got 13 cats!

Outside.  Peering around a plant in the driveway.  Abandoned.  Baby kitten.  We scoop it up.  Coddle it.  In arms of love.  Thinking…..”Why would anyone abandon such a precious part of God?”  Girls squeal.  Another kitten.  Behind the wheel of our car.  This one runs off and struggles to get caught.  Just as cute.  Just as playful. […]

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Ponderings from the Pond 4: The Voice of God.

Sitting down with the Lord. This time.  Just doesn’t suffice.  So I open the doors.  And am carried outside. Where God speaks best. Armed with camera.  Total abandonment.  And rejoicing in the goodness of God.  Seeing my son returning after nine months on missions. Passing by.  Fire pit.  But God-eyes see it different.  This time.  An […]

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When Righeousness and Peace Kiss.

Mercy and truth have met together              Righteousness and Peace have kissed.                             Truth shall spring out of the earth                                              And righteousness shall look down from Heaven.                                                                                Yes, the Lord will give what is good.                                                                               And our land will yield its increase.                                                                                                                                                                  Righteousness will go before Him.                                                                                                                 And shall make His footsteps our path. So, my daughter […]

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Spring Cleaning. Marriage.

We have been through a lot. Twelve kids now.  An engagement that lasted shorter than our vows. And a Christmas tree that looked more like Charlie Browns.  Nineteen years ago.  Free.  That first year.  When we had absolutely no money. And, if marriages are like roller coasters….ours went round and round.  And at times, upside down.  […]

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A Father’s Tribute: Dancing with God

Strength. Character. An unshakeable burden for truth. A defender.  An anchor.  Resilient through and through. A listening ear.  A man of few words.  An immoveable shoulder that would hold his little girl….when the pain of this life offered no words. But, most of all….with my Dad……I remember how we danced. My tiny feet carefully balanced…..on his […]

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