A War Has Started

A war started yesterday.

We were driving away from one church and headed to another, and Amir Tsarfati, who we had heard speak a few years ago, shared the heartbreaking news.

Russia had been surrounding Ukraine like a swarm of locus’; posturing, posing, and purposefully intending to strike Ukraine, though Ukraine had done nothing wrong.

Then, last night we learned, Ukraine declared a no-fly zone, Russian leaders were commanded to bunkers, and Putin stated Nato had “crossed the red line”.

What seemed like seconds later, a cyber attack was launched, to shut down communication, then missles and ground troops.

Ukraine’s enemy took no time to attack, were in no mind to discuss tactics, and never wanted any kind of negotiations. Their only goal was to destroy.

I read on Mission-Minded’s Facebook Page yesterday, hours before the launch; orphan children are trapped within the walls in Ukraine. They are trying to get out.

They were on their way to be taken to a “secret location”, hoping to spare them from destruction. Would their lives be saved from the bloodshed?

I have been up all night, praying for them.

And when is it ever alright to surround and attack an innocent country, home, or children?

What has the world been coming to, as we watch sitting ducks victimized and hate surrounding, seeking to destroy?

Where are the peace-makers in our world? The rescuers used by Him? Like the lady sweeping the children away, in the dark of night, to save the most innocent?

Where are the voices that say, “No, this is the Lords!” “Don’t touch!” “This is off limits?”

A precious one has fallen this week. I love him like a son, but then his name was exposed and my night dreams have been pleading for him.

Sin swept in and entangled. Evil, as we all are susceptible to, crowded his life slowly. Until finally, the windy vines of evil wrapped up and humiliated him.

Lives were damaged. Families turned from evil’s grip and now many are running broken.

Where is the hand that comes to save them? The Savior who for some reason allowed sin to spread like a sword?

The Israelites were under Egypts grip.

Beaten, forced, tortured to do their work as the elite sat in their comforts and demanded their visions become a reality, from the crux’ of their prisoners backs.

Evil reigned, until even children were being destroyed, like in Ukraine, like in my homeland.

Sin is no discrimiator, but then again, neither is love.

And yet, in the darkest of circumstances, in the wickedness oppressing other people, iin the surrounding of an entire generation, only knowing sweat and tears….

God’s people didn’t stop praying. And maybe that is the key, that we don’t stop praying, too.

His people kept pleading that the God who rescues might see them. That the Savior, their Redeemer, might come in human form.

And then, it happened.

One day, blood was being shed. Chidren were being destroyed. And one woman, like Mary, like Esther, rose out of love, and declared, “I will not let the sword kill my precious son.”

Like the rescuer saving the orphans in Ukraine, she carried her baby away, hoping for his safety from destruction.

And it was then, out of the deepest compassion for the one she loved, she risked her own life, put her baby in a basket, and let him float away from the bloodshed and into the arms of safety. (Exodus 2)

And I wonder, in the thickness of evil, in the darkness of hate, do we also cry out for someone to save us? Do we trust our God still sees us? Do we hear His cry promising us redemption…

Even when our eyes can’t see it?

Are we brave, bold, and fearless, to let what we love most slip right through our fingers; knowing, He is good?

Do we believe love will win, regardless of how things might look in the moment?

And then, when the Israelite mothers were heaped in balls of sorrow; when men were bleeding from the sting of beatings, pushing them to work harder…

God had a plan in the making.

He always has a plan in the making.

There, at the darkest moment for God’s people, God was raising redemption, a human man names Moses, in the castle of the Pharoah.

Then, when night seemed endless…Light had gotten behind the walls of the enemy. And little did people know…Redemption was silently growing.

The people of God couldn’t see it. The wailing women and aching men, didn’t know it. But a faithful mom would surely follow it, as she too was taken behind the walls, to nurse her son.

Moses, now raised by the Pharoah’s daughter.

It’s early morning here now.

I rise with white snow covering the dirty ground. Yet, I grieve the little boy, the orphan child, longing to escape; wisked away to an “unkown location”.

Is he still alive? Did the orphans survive? Did they make it?

Can Ukraine survive the onslaught of fire, coming at them through the night?

But in my aching heart, my grieving mind, I must trust, we must believe….A Redeemer is on the rise.

He sees the people of Ukraine. He knows the ache, the loss, the pain that they will likely experience in the days to come.

And yet, as the fire brightens up the evening sky, a leader, stronger the Moses, more determined the Pharaoh, has a plan He’s preparing, a rescue route He is making.

Will my friend who is like a son experience it? I pray so. Will all of those knees bunkled in the weight of the last two years feel it? That is my prayer.

Friends, don’t give up. Don’t give in. We may look defeated. We may appear, surrounded by sin. However, a Redeemer is on His way. 

And like Moses who returned to the land he was raised in, we too will march single file into the land of His promise, a land flowing with milk and honey.

And no evil leader, no child destroying sin giver, no oppressive slave driver can take away our redemption.

It is then and there, He will part the seas, and the world will see it. He will come in glory, making a route to redeem us. 

It is then, the world will know, the King of Nations is on our side.

Evil will be washed away. The dead will rise. And all will be made right, once again.

The battle is not done. Walls still must come down. And perhaps the journey towards full righteousness will still require a seaon in the desert…

However, I choose to look at what is before us, more than what may surround us.

There is another “red line”. The one encircling us, as we are marked by the blood of Jesus.

A war has started. But we know, the Righteous One, a Might One, The Great Redeemer…Is already on His way.

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1 Comment

  1. Jen God loves your heart so much.
    Staying up all night praying is a precious gift He has received from you.
    Joining you in looking to the one who has overcome in these dark days

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