An Encounter with a Stranger on the Corner

Major intersection. Cars racing by.  We turn and look.  Spotting strangest sight.

A man with a horn. Dressed in unconventional style. Signs announcing…..

Jesus the Savior. 

Curiosity drives us to question and see.
          We spot a truck covered in scripture.
                 Words declaring.
                        The love of Christ.

I stop in awe.  Speaker blaring…..Boldly declaring….How much we need Jesus.

Tears freely streaming.

Not sure why, really.

My mind justifying….He is odd. Or strange.  Or psychotically driven.

By my spirit witnesses a boldness, foreign to my experience….with religion.

And I weep as we drive away……Burdened at His fearlessness to proclaim.

Jesus is Lord.

After all, don’t I go through life….thinking lukewarm living is enough. 

My testimony…an accumulation of moments….My preaching.

Yet, I recall….

The Bible wasn’t spread through “good” people with safe lives.

                  Cowering by.
                            Hoping the world would know of their Christ….

Simply because they dodged the radar.
               Slipped undercover.
                           Blending conveniently or socially acceptably or intentionally with others.

Christianity was spread through preaching.

For just this morning, I read.  Apollos was “fervent” in Spirit. He spoke boldly…even though he had not yet been baptized in the Spirit.

Fervent being “zeo” in Greek.  Meaning….
              Of high spiritual temperature.  
                             Full of burning zeal.  
                                            Living fervor.  
                                                            Fiery hot.

And me?  Fiery hot?  Or lukewarm?

My tear stained face….the answer.

His boldness a defibrillator to my soul.

After all, I just had to ask….would I stand on a corner and cry….
                The Kingdom is neigh?
                         The Love of Christ?
                               Or testify how He delivered my life?

Or do I just thank Him…..And go about my day as if nothing ever happened? 

…..As if He did not die to set me free.

And what people say….or how I am perceived in my community, more important than the blood Jesus gave when He died on Calvary.

And I return to Bold One.  This Soldier for Christ. And I wonder….Is he sane?  Is it o.k. if I get out of the car and talk to him this time?

My pathetic step of boldness….Simply getting out of the car.  At the intersection of my orchestrated life.

We talk to him.  He says….

I am sorry, but I won’t do interviews.  God has simply told me to stand witness and to share His truth.

I engage more.

He is not a lunatic.

He knows Christ.
              Has been to Israel five times.
                             And has witnessed to thousands, at one time.

I believe him.  So does my husband…who is seeped in discernment.

We talk about politics. Dying people. A corrupt world.  People’s need for Jesus.

It’s very clear….He is passionate about His call.  He holds signs.  Marches for Jesus.  And doesn’t talk….

Unless people ask.

And they do. Every car eyes on him.  Yet, they do ask.

We leave and a young man comes forth. Curious. Questioning.

Five young girls shortly before us.

He takes our names. And says he will be praying for us.

This unconventional man…..a magnet for Jesus.  

From what we could see, his heart is not corrupt.
           His faith sure.
                       His love for Jesus and others….pure.

And I see….

No matter what…..

He is a mouth piece for God.

Saluting not wealth, popularity, or esteem.  Yet, sacrificing everything….for Christ to reign supreme.
Death threats.  He has had them. Police officers coming, talking to him.

And I think of my faith….the one I thought was so strong.

Remembering…The disciples were tortured and hung for what they believed in….because they believed it so strong.

I remember how Jesus said, I didn’t come to bring peace but a sword.  Dividing families by declaring truth.

And I pray…..let my faith be so strong.

For I know…this man….people think is insane.

Has something I lack….

A fervent, fearless Spirit.  A fear of God…..Not man.

And I think of David who danced and danced.  How he was mocked, belittled, and attacked.  And yet, his response was not to flee.  Hate.  Or hurt.  Hide.  Or Cower. His faith did not conform to the world….

But, “I will get even more undignified that this“…..was his response.

A fool for Christ.

And I leave Preacher Man on busy corner. As He stands with signs, horn and all.

Proclaiming….fearfully, faithfully…..

Jesus Name….Lord.  Savior…..

Above all.

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  1. Powerful – his witness, your words, your sharing…what will He do with your faithfulness to spread knowledge of such a risk taking soul?!?

    Blessings (coming from Studio JRU)

  2. Wow… what an amazing story. And makes me also pray, may my faith be so strong. How wonderful to be so passionate about His call. I love that people stopped to talk to him, that you stopped and talked to him. Thank you for sharing this ‘magnet for Jesus’ with us… love that!

  3. So moving and convicting. I say it again, I love reading your blog! Your faith is bolder than you give yourself credit for, and God is surely using you to bring others closer to Himself. Thank you for encouraging me tonight!

  4. Ells – I just love how you said that…He awaken us with His love. Yes! So true! Often we think God is hard or beats us to wake us up…but, what a wonderfully gentle and merciful God we have….to awaken us with His love. Bless you Ells.

    Cindy – Oh…that wherever He leads…our only response would always be, “yes”. Thanks for taking the time to respond to this post.

    Jennifer – And oh, yes, that we would all be His magnets for Christ. Yes?

    Heather – Can’t tell you the impact of your words. Thank you. God has been speaking a lot to me about boldness and meekness…and how He can beautiful blend the two together. After all, He is the Lion and the Lamb. So, your comment spoke to me. Thanks again.

    Kelly – Thank you. I was a little hesitant to take this last picture. But was hoping it would be a powerful witness to the once so common practice of testifying to the great name of Jesus Christ.

  5. Humbling indeed, his life reminds me of Luke 9 where Jesus says that if anyone is ashamed of him and his words he will be ashamed of them when he comes in glory. I came across your post today and I’m glad I did, even if this testimony of courage throws me off balance a bit!

  6. Stopped by from the blog hop and am now a new follower of your blog thru GFC, Twitter and RSS Reader. I did not see a Facebook link so if you have one and need me to follow, let me know and I can come back. I would love a follow back when you get a chance and have a great weekend!


  7. Hi I’m a new follower from So Followed Saturday.

    That is pretty incredible.

    I think God calls us to spread His Word in different ways. You may not be standing at a street corner but you’re proclaiming Jesus is Lord from the soap box of your blog. So God Bless YOU as well!

    St. Maximillion Kolbe said we need to use the technology of modern day as well to push the Gospel
    throughout the world and I think blogging is an excellent way to do that!

    Thanks for your post! :o)

    For Love of Cupcakes

  8. HI Jen – I’m sitting here thinking how shallow my witness is. this man must brave many an insult even not verbalised. But his reward in heaven will be great.
    Great heart-searching post
    God bless

  9. Wow. I love the windy, poetic style of your writing. Even more, I love the your passion, spirit and heart here. Heather’s comment is right: you have a boldness yourself. And that is something Christians could stand to activate a lot more — with our voices AND our service. Thank you for your voice, and service, in this post! May it echo and reverberate among believers, growing stronger every day!

  10. What a dear man! Love that he doesn’t do interviews…perhaps he knows that would distract from his calling.

    But what he will do is boldly witness and share JESUS with whoever stops by…this challenges and shames me.

  11. Oh my goodness. Just so many comments…I don’t know how to respond to each one individually. Thank you each for sharing.

    Just have to respond to a few.

    Beck – Yes, so reminded me too of the verse…if anyone is ashamed of me & my my word, I too will be of ashamed of him. Convicting. For sure.

    Jamie – Thanks for the encouragement. I never saw it that way.

    Tracy – So true. Such condemnation this man must receive for the sake of the gospel. And we….(at least I) want pretty faith, I can wrap up in a bow and deliver without being offended. Uggh.

    Matt – Thanks. And I think of our Savior who is both the Lion and Lamb. How easier it is, it seems to me…to be either one or the other…than like Him…both.

    Connie – I was impressed to that this man wasn’t it in for the fame of the fortune…just to be a witness to Christ. Such rare integrity. Loved it.

    Bless all of you and those that I didn’t get a chance to comment on. ~ jen

  12. I think many times when I am critical of these people, it is because I am not as bold as they are. We all have different gifts and he could definitely touch someone that I could not. It reminds me of the post I wrote about Venice Beach and the man witnessing there. I praise God for men such as this.

  13. How great it would be to throw caution to the wind and witness as he does for Jesus. I’m glad you shared the experience with us. I really like the music that is playing also.

  14. It is amazing to see the different styles of preaching, and worship. What some think of as a turn off, the spirit of God can use any way he pleases. Isn’t that wonderful? The great thing is that you stopped and talked to the man and found a brother in Christ.

    Visiting from Seedlings… nice to meet you!

  15. Shanda – Me too. Me too.

    Charlotte – Thank you for reading. It is so funny because last Sunday, after writing this, our pastor spoke on “boldness”. I am thinking God is trying to tell me something. Lol Thanks for your comment. Blessings.

    Patricia – Thanks for visiting. So true, huh? That God uses everything…good or bad…gentle or offensive…for His glory! I just love that about Him.

    Anna – What a testament to His faith…isn’t it? Oh, to be like him….

    Love reading all the feedback. Each of you stir me on in the faith and make me want to keep writing all the more….

    ~ jen

  16. I have tears at this picture of boldness – would I be so willing?

    And I have tears that people are willing to ask, to approach. And, oh, I want to be a magnet for God.

    May His spirit of boldness fall afresh on us…

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