The “Do” in Faith

Teacher.  Of sorts.  Always Learning.  Growing. Seeking…

Curled up with a book…..My haven of retreat.

Pounding words out on a computer screen….My happy place.

Yet, opening The Word this morning….I am bombarded with a different kind of living.

A living rich with works.  A more than faith kind of life….

But a life abundant with fruit.

Reading beginning in, 1 Peter 2:4

             “As you come to him, The Living Stone……Rejected by humans…but chosen by God and precious to Him….you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house… be a Holy Priesthood….offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Which makes me ask….What are Spiritual Sacrifices?

And the cross comes to mind.

Prayer?  Praise? Good Works? A life wholly devoted… Christ.

And I remember times I was more fervent in the faith. Hungry to not always learn and grow….but “do” and say….all He was calling me to.

Then, I turn to James 1:22.

“But be doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

And I read how God’s Word always demands a response.  And I recall how my response has often been apathy…or rejection….or disobedience……

Because I would rather just read.  Learn. Listen.

…..than “do”.

And I read on…

              “He who is a hearers of the Word and not a doers, he is like a man observing his natural face in the mirror.  He observes himself and goes away and forgets what kind of man he was.  Be he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it….and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work….this man will be blessed.”

And I am struck by my own forgetfulness.

How I keep forgetting who I was…Before Christ.

How the mirror of self so oddly, at times, can be more appealing…more drawing…than the law of liberty that has set me free from binding chains of self….

….And so much more.

Why do we forget what He has done?  

Why are we such a forgetful people?

I ask myself.

And I know….

Our mirror should only reflect Christ.  The only perfect one.

And the Word we are called to that frees our souls both purges and ignites…..Having all power to make us whole.

Then….by His leading….I keep reading….

“Faith without works is dead.”


“By works, faith is made perfect.”

The book of James keeps teaching….

“A man is justified by works…not by faith only.” 

Faith is futile if it just keeps us stagnant.

True faith….the faith of our patrons….calls us to action.  

And James’ lessons continue…

“Who among you is wise?  Let him show it by good conduct.”

And I doubt The Word is talking about sitting, drinking tea….locked up in comforts room…like I so often prefer to do.

It’s all about empowerment.  
                  Faith with feet.  
                           That fire burning deep….where we cannot sit and coddle insecurities planted seeds.

And I am convicted now.

Rise to take what I have learned….not just file it away with all the other knowledge I thought I understood.

Pull it forward. Put it to action.  Let faith rise from the life within me.

…..And be what Christ is calling us to be.  

A people.  Unafraid.  Alive. 

That will rise…..And represent Christ…..

In all we “do”.

Linking with Women in the Word 
& Cyndi

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  1. Hi Jen,

    This is so lovely and reminds me that we must be “doers” everyday. God knows what we are capable of and what passions lie undiscovered, and He knows how deeply He must go to refine us. The end result is a life of peaceful love and accomplishment. We all have a passion within us, and we must allow God to reveal it.
    (I must be feeling passionate this morning!) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Blessings and love! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Denise – Your comment reminds me of other love relationships in our lives. If we say we love our kids or spouse and yet everyday don’t feed them, care for them, nurture them….our love might seem empty and void. Love how you said, “We must be doers EVERY DAY” so that we have tangible evidences of our love. Oh & BTW, it’s totally o.k. I must be feeling passionate every time I write b/c I can never seem to write anything short of a book! Lol Many blessings to you ~ Denise

    Eileen – Yes, oh to be a Christ image. Reminds me of the saying, “Preach the gospel….and when necessary…use words”. Blessings this day! ~ jen

  3. The thought occurred to me. What if the disciples that Jesus called told Him yes I will follow you, but never did anything to prove it. I’m afraid that is the case with too many of us today. Thank you for sharing this thought provoking post.

  4. Charlotte – That is so interesting that you write this. I was just writing another post about something very similar. So good. Yes, what if the disciples chose to do nothing with what they had received….we would not have the gospel today. So glad that the fullness of His Spirit just naturally reaps fruit! Bless you ~ jen

  5. Amen — do you know that Tracy, who linked up just before you, used the verse about the mirror in her post for today, too? God might be calling us all to act, perhaps a bit more than we are used to?

    I loved this: Faith is futile if it just keeps us stagnant.

  6. Yes! Once we get the Word inside us, a real form of living begins to take place! Pounding at the keyboard is just THAT — pounding — when we’re empty of Word. Keep taking that time, Jen. The Holy Spirit is living in you. I see it, hear it. It’s not just you pounding. Bless you.

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