Finding True Love #UNITE Link Party

Like a bullet, it flew between my zombie eyes and my computer screen. Mind overloaded, an article overdue and the list of things required to accomplish, a mile high. Waking as if in daze, I find a well-folded paper airplane landing before my face, almost tauntingly still, glaring up at me, from my keyboard.

I turn to my left. My husband stands still, quietly, sympathetically. After twenty-three years, how did I miss the longing in His eyes connecting that paper-airplane to his heart?

Like a prize, a secret map to some incredible adventure, I slowly open the culprit for my interruption. Words in color crayon shoot up at me, “Would you like to go on a picnic with me?” signed, “Your husband”.

With my head in the screen, why hadn’t I realized the sun was shining, the day was beautiful; my house was filled with souls that longed for me?

How had I completely overlooked that I had a husband and children? Why had I missed, a world existed…outside my head?

“Have-to’s” and duties immediately disintegrated. That hour, my husband and I shared a surprise picnic lunch, on a blanket, by the lake. It was that day I realized….Sometimes you have to drop everything and just be with the one you love.

And I wonder…

(To read the conclusion of “How to Find True Love”, click here)

Today, I have the pleasure and honor to be writing over at Missional Women. Will you come and join me?

Also, my husband and I are getting ready to go back to China. To read more about our coming trip, and to see how we are partnering with Kaitlin’s Mobility Foundation and how you can be a part of what God is doing, click HERE.

Thanks for being a part of this most precious community!  Won’t you stop and read some of the posts here? I truly think those who link here are some of the most humble and Godly people I have met on the internet!

(Linking with Jennifer, Holly, CreatewithJoy, AWiseWomen)


It is now time to link you post below! UNITE is an ALL-INCLUSIVE, NO-RULES blog hop!

If you haven’t already, will you consider following on social media and or linking back? Thanks for being here! ~  Jen

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  1. I love how your husband did that paper airplane invitation! Thanks for the reminder not to get so absorbed by the computer that I forget the loves that live in my own house and need me.

  2. Beautiful, Jen, but so convicting in the midst of it! I confess to being guilty about time with the Lord and His longing for that unrushed time of intimate communion with Him. When I take time for that kind of time, I seem to always get more other things accomplished that day as well. The other thing that I think stands out is the example of time with your sweet husband and children. I am in touch with several women who have become widows and their sorrow reminds me that whatever I am doing can wait if my precious husband would like to spend time with me telling me about something I may have little interest in, watching a movie with him, going on a walk, or any number of other things. Thanks for blessing me today!!

    1. Pam – Oh my heart, friend, how it is touched by your tenderness and appreciation for those around you! We never realize how important those around us are, until they are gone or distant. Might we treasure them every moment, even if it means doing things we have little interest in! Well said!

  3. I love that he romanced your heart so gently and you responded right away. We all need that reminder to step away from the screen and to pull into the ones who are our mission field right in our midst. That has been my goal this year… to make my time with ‘my people’ meaningful.
    Thank you!

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