What does it Means to be a “good” Mother? 11 Children Later.

What does it mean to be a “good” mother?  I have often asked and wondered.

Going into parenting, 19 years ago, I was oblivious to it’s description.

I boiled rice. Burnt toast. Struggled with the all night need to rock and hold my babies.  And not sleeping, of course.

I had no idea how to wash dishes.  Turned laundry loads pink….time and time again.  And I still shrink clothes.  I am known for it by my kids.

Lets just say….I am far from the perfect mom.

And as my teenager has been telling me what her friends do with their moms….it all seems so foreign.

See, without a road map to parenting, sometimes we question….are we doing a good job?

So,  I ask….. “Lord, what does it mean to be a “good” mom?

Then, this morning.  6:00 a.m.  Disturbed Younger One, stumbles downstairs suffering from nightmares.

And I fight selfishly.  Internally.  Because this was my morning. The few moments all week that I thought I could be alone.

But, there was Hurt One to listen to instead.  Who needed a mother’s touch.  So, I let her crawl up on my lap.  Her furrowed brows gently relaxing upon her head.

Letting go my mental list….of what “I” want and “I” need and “I” feel.  Mind shifting…..to nature instead.

  • The lioness….Hunting and collecting food for her babies.
  • The elephant…..defending….the one’s she loves….even if it’s to her death.
  • The hen…..Collecting her chicks, tight underneath her chest.

And Mary.  The mother of Jesus.  Who humbly gave up her life so that her Son could be obedient.

Yes, eleven kids later. Each one teaches me…..

Parenting isn’t about me.  It’s not about any outward actions of duty or definition….but the surrender of the heart.

It’s about shifting eyes.  And life.  And purpose.  For a better cause.

It’s about giving up.

Laying down in love my life for another.  It’s about time.  And attention.

About thinking of our children. And seeing each as a gift from God….no matter how difficult it is. 

It’s about being willing to give to them….even if we have to go without.

It’s about less sleep. Less everything…so that our children will be free to live out their purposes of God.

And while nails.  And shopping.  And good lunches with sixteen year old daughters are fun and laugh filled and a blessing I could not have dreamed of…

Mothering is less about what we do and more about how we love.

And as children pass through my home like gumballs through a machine.

I am thankful for the gift of surrender, each and everyone has been…..

For with disorder and problems and struggles and uniqueness….in so many ways.

Motherhood has been mostly about listening.  And following.  And continually trusting the Father’s leading. 

My own children so faithfully teaching me……Of what it means to be a “good” mother.

Linking w/ Spiritual SundaysJumping TandemLauraAnnShanda

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  1. Oh…your daughter is just beautiful…I love the flower picture….Oh yes…each child frees us more from ourselves…nothing reaches deeper into our souls…and delivers us from ourselves more than a child. I pray extra blessings and grace to you this mother’s day…may God’s love and grace fill your soul to over flowing…you are being the best a mom can be to her children…a safe haven…a shelter in the storm. May you see with His eyes today:)

  2. So true! The more I surrender my wants and needs to my daughter’s needs the more I am following the Savior’s plan. I have to leave my agenda behind and follow hers. I struggle with this, but everyday I pray to be just a little bit better.Thanks for sharing. 11 kids, quite an accomplishment!

  3. Ells- Thanks dear friend. May you be blessed this day, as well. So overwhelmed by the honor to have been given children to raise. ~ jen

    Brownie – I once heard that God give kids to people to purify, humble them, and to teach them selflessness. The more kids, the more teaching required. Not sure if that true for others, but it sure seems to be true for me! Lol Blessings.

    Lisa- Thanks for coming by & commenting. Have a blessed day!

  4. How beautiful! Motherhood has revealed my selfishness in ways I never knew, but at the same time revealed more of His grace. So glad I stopped by for this encouraging post.

  5. Oh, I’m shouting AMEN right now and humbled and blessed by your heart. This is my first visit here and I count you as sheer gift today… 1070 on my list 🙂 Blessings to you as you continue to love, good mother!

  6. As a Mother, my physical kids don’t often pay much attention or give me much, BUT my Ugandan kids and g-kids, my local Burkina Faso son, my up-the-street Bhutanese refugee families pour their appreciation and affection on me. It is amazing. So my “momming” goes on constantly and I love it in ways I could never have imagined. And I ain’t a young ‘un! Love it, love them.

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