The One Best Gift You Can Give Your Kids.

Some mornings the obligations of the world jump out at you. Cling on.  Take old. Long before your first sip of coffee.

And this morning was one of those mornings.

I hoped for the chance.  To squeeze out some “me” time.  Wake up slowly.  Sip coffee.

Something I haven’t enjoyed since, I don’t know when.

Grace moments.  Needed.  To survive.

So I tip down, spiral staircase.  Hoping not to wake.  Teenagers in my home.

But the first sounds I hear….as foot touched main floor…..was not those of coffee pot purculating.  But, “need to’s” screaming out at me.

  • Check e-mail.
  • Make breakfast instead of oatmeal from a box.
  • Clean out cupboard that seems to constantly chanting my name.
  • Do dishes.  laundry.

….And the list moves endless through my brain.

But, instead of jumping in.  This time.  I listen. First.  (Just to clarify, it’s not something I always do.) 

And “Sit” is what I hear.

“O.k.”  I commit.  “Maybe God wants me to feed upon the Word before eating breakfast first.” (And there I go again. Planning.  Orchestrating. Living with expectations.)

And who would have guessed.  As soon as I sit.  Here she comes. Six year old needing attention from her chopped up mom, trying to divide time between so many.

But, I welcome her.  To come.  Sit upon my lap. Anyway.

Remembering, Christ is there too.  Always waiting.  Arms open.  For us to rest upon His lap.  Even though.  Sadly. I too often do…..other things instead.  

And, above all, I want to be like Christ.  So, I welcome her.

Bible open.  Eager to just sit in the Lords presence.  Talk to Him.  In this moment.  Alone.  Quiet.  Solitude before the circus starts.  Instead.

But see….when I woke.  God had imprinted upon my mind a thought.

What’s the greatest gift we can give our children?

It seemed.  At first.  The answer.  Easy. “Love.” But, as I thought about it… alone is never enough.  For how can we say we love God if we don’t spend time with Him?  Or how do we love our spouse if he/she is always gone.

Love is time.

Time is love.

For it is in these moments.  Together.  That love winds…..around the soul. And plants deep into the hearts. Creating cords.  Unbroken.

But, as we drift apart.  Play and distance take hold. In the heart.  And I am finding….as I age….that it is necessary….to be physically close.  In order to ensure.  Cords stay tight.  Hearts continue to unite.

People remain one.

And Little one has been needing a tighter rope.  I can tell.  After days shared with a little girl.  Welcomed from a past that can’t be explained….to a six year old.

I mean how can she understand?  The scars on her foster sisters face and hands?  How do I tell her that evil people beat little children?  

Every day. 

How do you explain, the pain inside can hurt worse and longer and more deeply than any physical pain that is seen.  On the outside?

But, I try.

I try to share whatever God puts in my mind.  About why our eleven year old needs so much attention.

How much easier it would have been to just say...”She has attachment issues.  Because she has never had a real family.”

But, by God’s grace….I think she got it.

Then, we go on….

Talking about all the things that little girls think of.

Her ebony hands caressing my worn out, wrinkling, pasty hand.

And I think….Is that me?  Is that my hand with skin more like leather?  As her glowing palms grip my hand.  As if to say I love you.

And I see that tooth coming down from her gap.  Thinking wisdom.  Yes, wisdom.  As she grows and understands….so much more than she did last year.

And finally…

She sees it.  My Chinese Bible.  And this child is more drawn to Bibles than to candy, or ponies or anything there is.

And she asks me to buy her a new Bible.  Not a toy.  Or new clothes. Or anything other worthless idols.

And of course.  I tell her.  “Yes, I will.”

“Holy” standing out on the front. Of the Bible.  In the text.

And she says….

“Mommy, this is such a beautiful Bible.”  

So, I tell her of the lady, at the church, in China….who gave it to me.  I share that it is in Mandarin.  Showing her the words.  Not in English.  

And she asks me to read it to her, “Mommy, what does it say?”

So, I read it to her. I Samual, first.  Then, Isaiah.  As I shuffle through God’s Holy Word, finding scriptures to read.  Holy Inspired.  For a six year old.

And this little one.  Daughter of God. Can’t get enough.  

“Children will lead them.”  Pops in my head. And, “From mouths of babes will come the truth of God.”

And at the end, I think…..Yes, I could have studied the Hebrew and Greek.  Been religious about my need to be “filled up for the day”.  I could have sent my little one off to play….

Because of what I think. I need.  I want.  Or even what I might deserve before starting my day.

But, God knew. God had a different plan.  He knew little girls are gifts.  Not hindrances.  Blessings. Not burdens. His chosen.  Not a commodity there just to say…..we have children.

And I think of little hands gripping the years.  Stroking my fingers that are tired of doing dishes.  And scripture reading.  And China.  And those abused.  And all were God speaking to me….in a way.

That makes me thankful…..

Thankful to sit.  Thankful to not, “do” but let God orchestrate my day.

Being still.  And it is clear. I answer God.

“The best give we could give our children….

Is time.”

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~ Matt 19:14

( Linking with Ann , Michelle )

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  1. what a beautiful way to live…loving your children with the gift of your presence, your time…truly precious and priceless..may God continue to bless you with His presence and wisdom…linking from Ann’s

  2. Jen…oh this is just lovely…so true…I wish I would have known this younger…time…loving those around me …spending time…letting go of myself…is spending time with God…giving myself to Him. I love how He spoke to you to sit…He had positioned you to receive…receive what He had in His way…and God is very proficient…He meets a lot of needs all at once if we do let Him have His way. blessings to you dear Jen…continued prayers as you love this one in Christ.

  3. Dolly – So glad to have you here from Ann’s. Welcome!

    Ro – What you said is so true! Often we disregard God & His will for that moment, thinking we can accomplish more…but in actuality, we end up doing less. And in His way only is fullness of joy, abundance in every good gift, & life…life abundant! Bless you friend!

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