When You Feel No Peace. UNITE Link Party

I am not sure what state we were in. One of the thirty-two we had traveled in that blue, seventies van; carrying a refrigerator, four beds, and my family.

We drove as open roads took us to places I had only heard of; The Gulf of Mexico, Grand Canyon, Custer’s Last Stand, and Mount Rushmore….

DSC_1057Across open plains, into the heartland of America.

During our month and a half trip, there were nights that became etched in my heart, like the night a thunderstorm was coming, but our van wasn’t fast enough to escape it.

We found a camping spot, parked next to a lake, and waited for the storm to pass.

But sometimes, just when you think the nightmare is over, the sky gets darker, and the rains have only just begun.

Lightening first struck; strong, bright, powerfully across the sky. There was no turning back and no way to go on.

All we could do was wait through the night, and hope for clearer skies, and light to came in the morning.

Then, booming thunder shook through my existence, awaking my grade school self, brother and parents, to the reality that our lives are more fragile than we know or often experience.

I was maybe ten, and feeling lost. So far away from home…

I wondered how we’d make it through the storm, protected by some blue metal and four wheels, thousands of miles away from our real home of comfort and peace.

I saw a lady running in the rain with her daughter; long skirts on and heads solemnly covered.

I asked my mom about them. She said it was their religion.

But even as a child I wondered why some religions bring shame and intimidation…when God is a God of freedom.

And I knew almost instinctively, any true God would never ask us to live hidden or secretively.

And I grieved as a child at the lies and false religion, that plagued other children’s consciousness.

I grieved that some cling to symbols or family traditions, when Christ came and died so that we might dance in freedom, relishing in the rain. 

Others warned us of parking by the lake. But my mom silenced their warnings, encouraging us with,“This storm too, will pass”.

And as a child, I could see in her eyes bravery and faith. So, I leaned on it, instead of my own fears.

And I learned that night, the closer we get to Him, (The Water of Life) the more people will come against you. 

I realized, like Genesis tells us, His Spirit hovers over the waters, and there is no safer place to be than where The Father dwells and guides you.

My earthly Father was strong, often silent, a man of few words, but present in the blue van as thefile0001978576318 storm began to shake us.

Knowing he was near us, despite everything going on around us, somehow gave me an even greater sense of calm and safety, and faith.

And isn’t that what earthly Fathers and our Heavenly Father is meant to do? Protect, provide, look out for and want what’s best for you?

I found comfort in the presence of two parents who loved me, knowing no matter what they would never let anything bad happen to me…

My mom began to sing in that thundering, crashing storm. As children, we just naturally joined her, because children don’t need to be taught, they often just automatically grow up to become like their parents.

And what a sight it must have been. A dark night, thunder and lightening, and a family singing loudly praises to their God, there in a metal blue van alongside of the lake. 

She told us stories and encouraged us in that van. And pretty soon, Shalom (God’s peace) came down upon me in the most miraculous way.

I open scripture this morning and read of how the enemy ravishes and pursues God’s children…

But how God brings peace among the storm, and how we can find tranquility even when life thunders and crashes around you….

I read of how God brings the destruction of his foes, like Ninevah. And how it’s wickedness tried to threaten and intimidate them, but how God redeems those who choose to trust Him.

And I feel that same rattle of our van, reading about the horses and chariots racing across the land.

I sense that same storm I had known trapped in the van, so far from my home.

But then it comes, peace.

And oh, how the promises of His peace can last. How true peace is not determined by our circumstances, but by the God of love who holds the Universe in His hand.

“When he passes through, though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more.” (Nahum 1:12)

He promises an end to the storm. And for those of us who feel like they can’t go on, we can lean on His character, trust His provision, and walk in His peace…even among the storm.

And yet, when we have walked through the flood, sit in the van’s of our world,  hearing the pounding and thudding, seeing the crack of lightening trying to shake us….

We must not forget that our God is Sovereign over all, that He surrounds those who serve Him with mighty angels, and ragging armies to fight their battles for them.

All we have to do is be still.

file0001314652369Peace. Shalom….Not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of wholeness, peace, and tranquility.

I lay my head on my pillow that night, as a grade-school girl, amidst the storm, amidst the lies…

I close my eyes and His peace surrounds me, in the van away from my real home, amid the pounding thunder, my mom singing over me and my dad who would die for me never leaving or forsaking me.

The waters others had warned us about? They became a symphony of beauty, lightening crashing, reflections of His light flashing, and mirroring off the waters in the most splendid and spectacular way.

It was a glorious sight.

I breath heavily while hearing my older brother and mom staying awake watching in awe and wonder at the power of God flashing across the blackened night.

And isn’t that all He wants from us….To, in the darkness, witness His power and light?

And yet, I rest, knowing I am loved, knowing I can trust the God we sang to, who comforted us with His Spirit, there in the thunder and lightening.

And I don’t know what kind of storm you are facing? I don’t know how lost and alone, how isolated you might be feeling?

Be the same God who gave me peace, can reach down and rescue you too.

The enemy may tell you, this is the end. Others may speak danger and lies, and try to intimidate you into believing, the storm will forever break you….

But, storms can bring beauty and grace, if you let them. They can teach you Shalom, like you have never known or tasted.

And we can rest in His peace even though we are far from home…

Because the night is only so long…

And light comes in the morning.


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  1. Such a beautiful post, Jen. It is so true that storms often bring a beauty and grace from God which we would not have known any other way. So grateful for His faithfulness IN the storm. I continue to pray for you and your family! Blessings!

    1. Joanne – Thank you for your prayers! Yes, love how He can give us peace IN the storm, and how our peace and joy are not dependent on anything happening around us!

  2. Completely captured by the image of your mum singing in the midst of that terrible storm. What an impression that must have made. I want my boys to have those kinds of memories too.

    1. Yes Michele- And I want to BE that kind of mom too. The one that doesn’t give into to the fear and lies, but rests secure and finds joy and His song alive in me….regardless of what’s going on around me! Have a great weekend!

  3. Nice to “meet” you Jen. I came over from Jennifer Lee’s blog. I love the imagery and the photos you use to depict what you were feeling in that blue van! I am thankful that God freely offers His peace to us in the midst of life’s storms. Ii am learning to trust Him more each day. I love what you are doing here. May God continue to richly bless you and yours. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Horace – So wonderful to “meet” you too! Thanks for popping by! Hope to see you back here again regularly!

      Continuing that growing-in-trust thing, alongside you!

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