Got An Un-Offendable Heart? UNITE Linky

“She was mean to me”, “They excluded me”, “He violated me”.  Haven’t we all heard them…the excuses people use to justify building walls around themselves?

And yet it is clear, those who love much, will have to overcome offense.

IMG_8363I remember when a group of people set me up to exploit me. I loved them deeply, but they purposely exposed, connived, and betrayed me. I was hurt, deeply.

Still, every grudge we hold is like taking a brick and placing it between us and the other person.

As time goes on, offenses can cause us to build an entire fortress around ourselves, without us even realizing it.

Proverbs 18:19 tells us, “A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle.”

In Bible times, walls were common. They existed around cities and groups of people. Another name for these fortresses is, “defensive walls”.

And yet, haven’t we all gotten “defensive” when another has hurt us; put up walls, placed bricks, put up barriers in hopes to protect ourselves?

As Missional Women, we can’t afford to get defensive, let walls of offense be built up between us and those we are ministering to, if we want to reach the nations. 

Scripture says, offense is like a stumbling block, or the stick holding up a trap. When tapped, it imprisons us.

But, let’s not take the bait.

Matthew 24:10-12 says in the last days many will be offended, betray and hate each other. Yet, there are ways we can live with unoffendable hearts.

  1. Forgive Others Words…


(Honored to be sharing over at Missional Women. Read the conclusion to “5 Keys To An Un-Offendable Heart”, over here

**And don’t forget to link below…

(Linking with fdean.hackett)


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  1. This is a topic that has been a consistent conversation between myself and the Lord… meditating on the power of what His love towards us really means and how we need to be a vessel that transfers the same to others, even when it feels easier to let our heart be hardened. We need to pay attention to the power of the unoffended life, Jen. Thanks for sharing truth.

    1. Dawn – Your comment makes me think of clay. And how hardened clay is use-less, unpliable in the Makers hand. And yet, everything in our environment in conducive to hardened hearts. There are seemingly a million things any of us can be offended about daily. I think you also mentioned the key….having these private conversations with God…letting Him lead, guide, and mold your heart, continually. Without Him where would any of us be?

  2. Hey Jen,
    The picture you paint of unforgiveness being another brick in the wall, is powerful. Thank you for this excellent illustration, and for the reminder that forgiveness is a must. Wishing you a blessed week!

  3. I often pray that God will not only forgive me, but help me to walk in continual forgiveness of others. Holding onto an offense feels spiritually about as comfortable as trying to walk around with a rock in your shoe!

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