Do You Have A Religion of “Can’t”?

I have never been one for religion in the traditional sense.  Rules.  Need too’s.  Have-to’s.  May have fixed the outside.  But only drew me inward….away from Holiness.   

And to be honest.  I am the worst of sinners.  Rebelling from man made rituals…. superseding the freedom my Spirit Nature knows is God’s promise.

Heart fleeing from legalism.  To the world. In a hopes to find truth.  And there?  Only more entanglement.  Mere man made laws or worldly freedom, weren’t enough, to heal me.

And why is it the enemy loves to bind. Using lies.  Legalism or false freedom.  Creating a web, we can’t break free from, without the blood of Jesus.

And it wasn’t until I found this simplicity.  This, Christ is enough type living.  That I was free from the enemies snare.

For, if we are doing all the right things, but our hearts are filled with pride…where is our reward?

And although I am far from a perfect Christian…..

I know the “can’ts” are too often what make people reject Christianity. 

“Can’t do this.  Can’t do that.”  What happened to our freedom?  What happened to the “can” that gives us more of Christ and less of man made rules that only appear, on the outside, to make us holy….

I mean, are we really any better, apart from Jesus….than those living in overt sin.

Yes, I guess.  I want my children to have a religion of  “Can.”

  • Christ died so that we can….walk in liberty.
  • Christ died so that we can….embrace the truth of His life and His ministry.
  • Christ died so that we can… if He leads us. Or deny yourself.  Or humble yourself by bending down on our knees, as He prompts us.
  • Christ died so that we can… life in weightlessness and His freedom.
  • Christ died so that we can……have power over the enemy.
  • Christ died so that we can……live without fear, worry. condemnation.
  • Christ died so that we can… alive, walking in redemption and His healing.

Christ died….so you don’t “Have to…”

And though, we humble ourselves.  Daily. Though we get down, so that He can be lifted up, ensuring He is in His proper place.  Lord over all…..

We need not carry a cross of shame.  Or walk in remorse.  Or blame.  Living continually in condemnation or with the pain of our sin like those who don’t know the resurrection.

And why does His death overshadow His walk. The forty-day after risen from dead walk that ensures us of the power of His Spirit.  The endowing of His grace, so that we can live the life that Jesus wants us to.

Is it easier for Christians to die than live….truly live for Him?  So instead, we focus more on “can’ts” than “cans”?

And why do many prefer carrying the crucifix, than the Spirit of a God given Resurrection, in them?

Does a death-without-life breed easier consequence?

For the enemy seems to be threatened by Life-Bearers, resurrected through Jesus.

…….Not ashes, trying to die more.

Shouldn’t we live in a way that says “victory” to those watching?  Live so that others will be wanting what He is offering? 

Live transformed by the blood of His sacrifice   Not walking in martyrdom, which is a softening of the fullness of His price?

And while many right now, for lent, are fasting.  (And I do also, and so respect that.) I pray my kids will see Christianity as a daily sacrifice.  Initiated by His Spirit…not by man.  A giving up that is from willingly submitting all to Him. Resulting from their conviction and a knowing…..

He is worth it.

Yes, I hope they get it.  Living is a daily surrender. A willing death.  The joy of the suffering that ever brings us closer….

To Jesus.

So that they don’t find their power in rituals, or duty, or can’ts.  But in the freedom of relationship with a God who already died….and rose…..

So that you can.

(Linking with Emily)

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1 Comment

  1. Linked here from another blog.

    Good post. Legalism stifles not just freedom, but joy. The “can’ts,” carried far enough, position us to live in fear that any move we make will be wrong and will cut us off from God’s grace and favor. Not a very healthy theology.

    My first visit here. Good post and good blog.

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