What a Taxi Cab. Culture Shock. And UNITE Have In Common.

I am not going to lie. It has been hard.  Coming back from China.  Only a week back.  And the hurricane of thoughts.  Emotions.  Carry me.  Too often.  Where I don’t want to go.

However, today I have taken the wise advice of a friend: Lay low.  Be still.  Take an entire day, just to seek the Lord and His will.  Regroup.  

And so….that is what I am doing.  I gave my son my car for the day.  Staying home.  (Which for me, is really hard).  Slowly, cleaning house for our small group tomorrow.  And trying to dig deep as to what all these feeling are…and how to process so much through the filter of His eyes.

So, to write about UNITY at this point, seems almost a comical request from God.

I will be honest.  I don’t feel UNITED here.  Not now.  Not after China.  Not after what I heard and saw.

Faith in China was easy.  Believe it or not.

Each day was soaked in prayer.  We were surrounded by pastors, and missionaries.  People living to only serve God.  And the Chinese?  So hungry, so eager to know the truth and the meaning of redemption.

And then, I come back.  Drive to Children’s Hospital to get hearing aides for my daughter.  Send another child off to California.  Jump immediately into my prayer Group.  Get ready for my husband’s Home Group.  etc etc…..

And I feel like I have lost my footing.

I feel like I am sliding downward.  In a culture.  Content to live without Jesus.  Where a week ago, I walked in the fullness of the presence of a God who didn’t have to make sense.

One example?

In China.  We step outside.  Get in a taxi cab.  Coincidentally. Waiting outside our hotel room.   I sense God say that we need to pray for our driver.  So, we ask Him if we could pray and if he had a request.  But, he shook his head.  Not willing.  To offer his life story, with strangers.

But, we prayed anyway.  Because this taxi driver, God sent our way.  Said we could.  Even though He was likely Buddhist.

We lay hands on Him.  God moved.  In a taxi.  In a land that seems more normal….to cry out for God.  Than here.  Where it’s so easy to be.  Blinded by our own self-sufficiency.

And after we spoke faith words.  Over Him.  He opened up, like a door once closed tight.  Drown in music.  Stoic looks.  Looking forward.  Concentrating sternly.  On His job to drive.

He relaxed.  Began to share the real truth, as God opened His heart.

For, God’s people.  Can do all the right things.  But only God can open up men’s hearts.  And to witness God’s grace in that car.  Was beautiful.  Just beautiful!

Yes, He became UNITED with God that day. Though, He wore a bracelet   The one with big beads.  Signifying, He was probably Buddhist.

But, beads don’t save.  Ritualistically burning incense to keep the “spirits” away, won’t save.  Trying to be a good person, working real hard, trying to give positive energy, so that all will go well….

Won’t save.

Only Jesus saves.  Only the substitutional, Lamb of God.  Who died to eliminate the sins of the world.  Can save. 

And His story?

His mom had just had a stroke.  Three days ago.  She was in the hospital.

And the coolest part?  He asked for us to pray for Him again.  He began to share.  And be open.  He then smiled with a kindness that said….

Us entering His cab.  At that time.  That place.  Was not a coincidence.

And as I share the testimony of a God, who knows the needs of all man, even before we ask or petition Him….

I still struggle in this society.  Where often, the last, not the first instinct is to pray.  I struggle with my culture’s “I can do it” mentality.  The self-sufficiency of a people that keep on pressing forward, without the slightest inclination…

To seek Him first.  Foremost.  Always.  Continually.

So, as I work through all these emotions.  Using the Word, to untangle this broken girl desperately needing Jesus.  Needy, not just once a week, at church….but in every breathe…every second…desperately.

I will admit it.  I struggle to UNITE today. I struggle with trying to conform to a culture that has their eyes…Often fixed on things other than Jesus.

USE this for BLOGStill, I ask that you might join me. Share YOUR faith stories of God’s goodness.  Provision.  Or encouragement. I look forward to reading…..your comments and the posts you link with.

UNITE is a NO RULES, all inclusive, link up. 
(However, would love you to share our button or a link back here.)  


Post about whatever you like.  Stay awhile.  And read other posts from those within the Bloggersphere.
Don’t know what UNITE is?  Click HERE.
Thank you so much for stopping by and linking up!  Can’t tell you just how much you bless me!
~ Jen

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  1. Oh my friend, I think we all have these days of despair, and when I find myself having one of these days. I love to turn to Psalm 121, which is a song of hope and an assurance of the promise of God’s protection day and night. It is my favorite psalm of trust, courage, and vigilance needed in our daily lives because it counsels us to trust quietly in Him when we are anxious, stressed or troubled. We may feel insignificant, forgotten, or even forsaken at times, but that’s when we must turn to Him in prayer for strength and perseverance! 🙂

    Blessings and love Jen!

  2. Jen, When God gives us a ‘numinous’ pure-experience, such as each Spirit led God-moment you experienced in China, it’s difficult when those moments seem… gone. Please remember that, even though you’re back in this self-sufficient country, the location and people are different, but the Spirit is the same. He will lead you to the next ‘taxi-driver’ of His choosing. Rest your mind in Him and don’t worry about tomorrow’s ministry… He’ll surely take care of it. You have such a beautiful servants heart. Be encouraged.
    Blessings and love ~ Mary

  3. Dear Jen
    I understand your feelings so well! In Eden the lie was whispered that we could be self-sufficient, living independently fom our God. What a sad state of affairs, but we also have the assurance fom our Lord that He already overcame this world and its ways. Hang in there, dear one, for He is soooo much greater than our feelings of despair!
    Much love

  4. Mary – Such truth…”Although the location is different, God’s Spirit is still the same!” Thanks for that reminder! Amen!

    Mia – Went for a walk with a dear friend to gather my thoughts. Refocused on Him, as the center and my foremost thoughts! 🙂 Praying my next posts will be more uplifting! Lol

  5. Joining you when it’s hard and when it’s easy. Because is always there and I always want to be where He is.

    PS would love to know more about your daughter and her hearing aids. I wear them!

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