31 Days: Historical Revivals {Day 6}

I stepped into a revival.  And yet, only now am I researching the incredible parallels in history; other great moves of God, with what I experienced.

One story is this….

A man named John set to searching for God in a “methodical” way.  He wanted more than religious rituals, but something deeper, a God more intimate.  

He set out praying, fasting, reading His Bible, attending church, and doing good works fervently…in hopes to know God personally.

Within a few years, Him and his group were a recognized “force for good”.  He ministered to the destitute and orphans, and visited prisoners.

People mockingly called his group the “Bible Moths”.  Though His group included people like the reputable George Whitefield.

In 1739 John joined about thirty others, at New Years, in singing and in prayer.  At about three in the morning, God moved.

As a result of this revival stirred by God, other churches didn’t receive what God was doing through this man, John Wesley. So, following the example of George Whitfield, John Wesley took His message outside, into open air preaching.

One witness tells of his experience in the presence of George Whitfield like this, 

“Blasphemers cried for mercy; sinners were smitten to the earth in deep conviction; even passing travelers were so affected. A physician studied a case of a woman whom he had known for years, and as he saw perspiration break from her face and her body shake he decided this was no mere physical disorder but that it was evidence of God’s workings.”

During his ministry, John Wesley rode on his horse over 250,000, the distance of circling the globe ten times.  He preached more than 40,000 sermons.

And although I am not a Armenian or a Calvinist…I am both….Something happens when we are in the presence of the living Lord.  Chains break off. People become equipped, doing things impossible for them to ever do, in and of themselves. 

Sometimes the change is radical, evident, clearly seen in the moment.  But other times, it’s subtle, unnoticed, until after you have walked away from His presence.

God wants a fire, living hot, to be burning contagiously, deep inside all of us.

Revelations tells us that those lukewarm will be spit right out of His mouth.  And yet, we feel safest in room temperature.  We all can get a little uncomfortable when things get too hot.

Yet, isn’t it burning hot where idols burn away in the forest fire of our own souls.

John Wesley once said….

My fear is not that our great movement, known as the Methodists, will eventually cease to exist or one day die from the earth. My fear is that our people will become content to live without the fire, the power, the excitement, the supernatural element that makes us great. 

And even now almost a decade later, I continually ask myself….

Am I “spit out of the mouth” Lukewarm?  Am I cold and content?  Am I ablaze with a passion like John Wesley, to do whatever it takes to press into a close, personal, intimate relationship….

With the only one that could can change me?


You are reading day 6 of a series, “31 Days to Real Faith and Revival”.  
Thank you for reading.  For previous posts on this series, click HERE

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  1. It is so uplifting to hear about the *great* people of faith from the past. May God do His reviving work within our own hearts – and may we be set ablaze with His Spirit.


  2. Sharon – Oh yes friend, might we bow low, so He can be lifted high. Might revival ignite our very hearts, setting all we have and all we are ablaze!

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