Have You Ever Wondered If You Were Enough?

“You’re enough.”  I hear a whisper, one coffee-less morning all alone in my car, returning from taking my youngest daughter to her first day of Kindergarten.   

After homeschooling eight years and burying myself in the duties of children, I was nothing short of exhausted.
Still, “Who could that be?” I questioned.  It was clear, I knew it wasn’t me.  I would never confess that I was enough…this raggedy, old, warn-out mom.  I would never think that I alone, apart from children and home, was sufficient…never in my wildest dreams.  After all, I was burnout and feeling nothing short of useless. 
Still, who could be saying that? I didn’t know.
At the time, my identity waffled a lot. I took on the face of those just in front of me…feeling little, small, quite frankly pretty meaningless; thinking, there was no way my “nothingness” could ever be sufficient.
Worse yet, I was way out of my comfort zone, hesitant and reluctant, trusting a new school for my children’s education. 

Up until now…

Click HERE to continue reading the rest of this post.     

Today you can find me over at {in}Courage.  

Thrilled to be writing today where a whole bunch of real, authentic women gather in their average, everyday clothes (you know…rolled up jeans, comfy t-shirts, flip-flops, and half painted fingernails), where pretense has no hold, where women are free to tip-toe out from the corners of their homes, fellowship and belonging…just the way they are!

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  1. Beautiful words to start my day — “You are enough.” It’s a lesson I have to learn over and over. Maybe someday it will stick. When there aren’t enough hours in my day, not enough energy to complete my tasks, when I don’t think I’m good enough…God sends these words and I could feel them plop right into my soul and illuminate it from corner to corner. Each time I look at my to-do list today I’ll be whispering “I am enough!”

    1. Oh friend, that is my prayer…that the words of His truth would fill us all, corner to corner, both the shallow and the deep places! That our hollowness would hide in His shadows, and that nothing in us again would ever doubt anything different than we are loved…wholly, deeply, unbelievably much!

  2. Thank you, Jen, for these beautiful words (and like Pamela said . . . ) to start my day off too!! Thanks for hosting today even though I gather it wasn’t so easy today to get the post up. I have had those days too and it is through connecting that we encourage each other.

    1. Judith – Ya, sorry I didn’t get this posted until 6:00 a.m.(ish) my time, but usually I try to get the post up the night before. Thanks for your grace and patience.

  3. Seems like at every bend in the road of my walk lately I hear, I sense, I read…”You are enough!” I am praising God for reminding me of His unfathomable love for one such as me.
    Thanks for your words, Jen.
    ~ linda

    1. Linda – Yes friend, if I could stand across from you, look you in the eyes, give a super big hug, I would tell you again, over and over.. “You are enough”! And oh that “Unfathomable Love”…what a gift!

  4. I know that voice! It’s God. You can tell because it’s only encouraging. I heard that voice for the first time about a year after becoming a believer. It was so different from the voice I had been hearing my whole life which was whispered lies of the enemy: the voice that always berated me. Now I get to hear the voice of the One who loves me and there’s such comfort in that. I’m going over to read the rest now.

    1. Laura – Yes…around this time, Father’s Day…I am reminded that He IS a good Father! Loving, kind, gentle…never harsh or berating! Oh when we can hear only Him!!! I look forward to that day! Don’t you friend!?

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