How Fragile Is Your Christianity?

I didn’t want anyone to see it. After all, how many teenagers carry around an egg in the hallways, locker, and to each of their classes? And even though most knew… One of the High School Health teachers instructed their students to carry around an egg, as an example of parenthood, in hopes to “enlighten us” […]

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Sisters With Voices #UNITE Linky

“Slap, slap, slap”, the ball smacks against the shiny, gym floor. Sneakers squeak, as the girl’s still gauge each other, learning to become one, for the first time, playing select. My daughter, the youngest, but one of the most vocal. Three practice lay-ups at the far side of the court, the others rehearse working fluid, like […]

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Callings & Confessions

“What will you do next?” They ask from the shadows, peeking into this life He has called me to. The ground hasn’t even settled from China, my heart is still there, my feet, still finding footing in a place where we have freedoms, but too often, fail to use them… This burning still resonates, yet, I […]

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