Teach Me To Pray #UNITE Linky

Teach me to pray, Oh God. In the quiet of the night, when the world stops moving, teach me to pray. Teach me to pray, when my heart-songs are nestled, the noise of the day can’t be heard anymore. Teach me to pray. Teach me to pray, when my head is silenced, the clanging and rustling […]

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Are You A Woman Ablaze?

Curled over in the darkened night, wolves howling in the distance, a small ember barely seen amidst the blanketed sky, trees thrashing in the wind, rain threatening to put out the fire desperate to be kindled. Alone, is a show on the History Channel. It takes individuals, sets them out on islands in the Pacific Northwest, […]

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Finding True Love #UNITE Link Party

Like a bullet, it flew between my zombie eyes and my computer screen. Mind overloaded, an article overdue and the list of things required to accomplish, a mile high. Waking as if in daze, I find a well-folded paper airplane landing before my face, almost tauntingly still, glaring up at me, from my keyboard. I turn […]

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Unfaithful Relationship?

Imagine, a boyfriend (Or girlfriend, if your a guy reading this) who was everything you dreamed of. They were perfect in every way. They were what dreams were made of; beautiful, embodying every trait or gift you desire in a mate. They were smart, capable, beautiful from the top of their head to the tip of […]

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