How to Have Revival When it Rains {Day 20}

One thing about being in Guatemala was that it was hot…really hot.  Temperature’s surpassed a hundred, but it was the humidity that left us constantly drenched. We would take a shower, but moments after we would be soaked in moisture.  We were close to the equator. And I knew it….every second….except one. One night while standing […]

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There is Always Hope

Two young girls walked the darkening streets, looking for whoever God would have them pray for.  Revival was spilling out of the doors of the church and no one could stop it. We were drawn to not just kneel and pray, but to carry God to our work, and school, and to our neighborhoods.  After all, […]

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Generosity and Fake Revival {Day 15)

J.I. Packer once said, “Love and generosity, unity and joy, assurance and boldness, a spirit of praise and prayer, and a passion to reach out to win others are recurring marks of a people experiencing revival.”There was something about giving that unspokenly flowed during revival at our church.  People constantly would be seen slipping money to other people. […]

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