When Love Eternal Soars

A mad dash for fifty dozen Crispy Creams this morning. Not because we are especially hungry…or simply love donuts…. …..But because my son, my eldest, is leaving.  Fifteen days to be exact. On white wings through the sky, He will fly into life….carefully prepared for this exact moment in time. And hearts will long for loved […]

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Exposed Infants and a Call to Parent

I was completely broken by Michelle’s post over at Gathering the Lambs this past week. She is a fellow foster parent and adoptive parent who has opened her home and heart with loving arms. Please read the shocking statistics in her town about foster care over at….Gathering The Lambs. I know from experience…my city is no […]

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An Encounter with a Stranger on the Corner

Major intersection. Cars racing by.  We turn and look.  Spotting strangest sight. A man with a horn. Dressed in unconventional style. Signs announcing….. Jesus the Savior.  Curiosity drives us to question and see.          We spot a truck covered in scripture.                 Words declaring.                        The love of Christ. I stop in awe.  Speaker blaring…..Boldly declaring….How much we need […]

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Returning Hearts to Him

I see her today. Tall one.              Face pale with worries One.                                              Unemotional.                                                           Broken willed One.                                                                           Past following her around like weight pressing down One. And joy has no outlet…quenched by self-reliance. Hope to please. Must do’s. And it crushes me.  The knowledge of this broken one….                  Once free.                                         Face planted.                                                                         Hands lifted.                                                                                                        A worshiper….like me. Now […]

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