Surrender Today

Can I do it today? Surrender.   Make a stake and forget the cost. Count all as loss.  Remember His promise, to see us through. Despite the clues that say, “It’s crazy.” Maybe, just maybe I say, that’s o.k. I like it this way. The gain. The privilege, the fruit I see. Not in earning, gaining, or […]

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The Homeschool Option

I remember it well. The day we chose to homeschool.  Kids in private school.  My son in a public gifted program.  But still feeling invisible….like a clone. I moan. “God help us. What do I do?”  Frustrated, complicated, at wits end.  Confused. The answer so unlikely.  To this day, it strikes me.  A call that I […]

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Feathers of Adoption

Little chicks.  Hatched. From their walls of hindrance, keeping them from the open air, the sunlight, the freedom to stretch, explore, know. Their mother, a voice, speaking while they hide, tucked inside.  Knowing each one, by smell, chirp, and life. Then they come. The new, little ones. No mothers, no home.  Alone. Will she take them […]

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On Fire

Burn.  Burn. Burn like a flame.  Inside me….Ignite me. Not just during worship. Or church. Or with others. But through the mundane…..The valleys of life….Through the pain. Show me your goodness when eyes, blind with pride. Self. Delusions of grandiose proportions…empty self importance. Burn away the lie that I am the significant center which makes the […]

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Days Gone

What a young mom I was.  Ignorant to so much. Sometimes ignorance blinds innocence & creates an atmosphere of havoc.  Had I known the value in the moment. Why is it we reach.  Reach. Reach.  But somehow always miss the value in the moment. I lay down my life that day & thought to be rewarded.  […]

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