When We Run From God

When my son was little, he was a runner. He darted in stores.  Down streets.  And ran with great fever, wherever he went. To keep Him close…..so he wouldn’t get hurt……we found a long, rainbow Safety Leash that we wrapped around his waist. It had a handle on one end that we would double up around […]

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When Seasons Turn like Ferris Wheels

We close the door to summer. Sweet pictures in our minds. Of laughter, love, and leisure…..                                               Spinning ’round….                                                                          Like a Merry-go-round….                                                                                                                 In our minds. Beaches.             Barbeques.                             Volleyball.                                             Play Dates.   As labor of days enter peace moments…Sweeping summer away. Time has come….to jump on train of schedules. ….Hours filled with obligations. Chiseling time away like a […]

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What about the Fallen People?

Another one fell today.  I heard of her…a stranger with two names.              Felt unloved.                             Didn’t trust.                                               Slowly ducked out of, place of worship. I hear of him. A young one. Betrayed by those betrothed to.              From servant to drug seeker.                             A fallen one.                                               Fell due to, a broken preacher. I read of her.  The questioning one.              […]

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