Crushing Religious Boxes

The box. It calls.  Beckons…”Come rest in me.  My straight walls. Sharp edges.”  It hides… A people.  Asking them to leave…. The freedom bought in Christ. To hide inside…it’s small, dark corners.  Confined. While open skies beckon higher.  Calling deeper…drawing closer to The Source. Fear resists the open. Like an infant….feeling…. Safer.  With small.  Shallow.  Confining […]

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Falling into His Pool of Grace

Popcorn spills all over the floor. Not waking up to a clean house…or a quiet, calm house.  But, this morning. Popcorn.  And young feet pattering…..looking…..searching through treats left out by teenagers the night before. And I implore….  “Pick up the popcorn….  When we make messes, our job is to clean them up.” And little hands innocently […]

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