A Father’s Tribute: Dancing with God

Strength. Character. An unshakeable burden for truth. A defender.  An anchor.  Resilient through and through. A listening ear.  A man of few words.  An immoveable shoulder that would hold his little girl….when the pain of this life offered no words. But, most of all….with my Dad……I remember how we danced. My tiny feet carefully balanced…..on his […]

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Rugged Beauty

You brought me flowers today.  With roughened hands…from labors years.  Once manicured. Tended.  Cared for. Now, living sacrifices of surrender… Love put not in words, but acts of service. Gifts of endearment. The hours of hands labor.  Early mornings before sun wakes and the world arises… Hands with worn away layers, callouses from life’s lament. Yet, […]

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