What A Pastor In Inland China Asks For……

What would you ask a pastor in inland China? Well, we had the chance.  Three plane flights in. Taxi ride winding around. Obstacles of people.  Crunched in seat.  Feeling every windy, sharp turn.  Smelling fumes rising…..like the breakfast in my stomach…..from that morning. Wondering…Are we ever going to get to that church?  The one we felt […]

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When A Homeless Man Chases You. In China.

We emerge.  Half way across the world.  From an underground subway.  And his feet are the first thing I see. Patched with stories of the places that he has been. Calloused. Filthy. Me. Dumbstruck.  Imagining the reality.  Some people don’t have shoes. Ascending from below.  Shanghai.  Navigating through thousands of silent people. To the streets. Up the […]

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His Healing Touch

The first words out of my mouth when I saw her was…. “She is dead”. Lifeless head.  Body wrapped in blankets a mile high. Her skin transparent….. Weighing somewhere around five pounds.  This delicate shell lay there…. On plywood. Screaming one.  Beside her.  Face born open between nose and mouth. Cleft lip. The cry of a […]

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Wholehearted Devotion…..In A Cave.

6:00 a.m.  Blanket of black covers windows surrounding.  And darkness is the mask….of sleep….and dreams….and all things unknown by the world deep in rest. Yet, in China….they would have been awake for hours. 4:00 a.m. The rising and fleeing to mountain caves and trees and places hidden. So, they can worship in the dark.   Before eyes […]

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How Fingernail Polish Opens Doors

Dinner time.  In orphanage. In China. Struggling through white rice….made with more love than any bowl could hold. First night in orphanage. Three plane rides far away from home. And we walk into kitchen. “Xie xie”….to say, “Thank you” in Chinese. We then ask….to paint nails….for many. And fingers and toes….a representation of love. And Jesus […]

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