The Clothing Designer On The Airplane and Loving Our Neighbor – UNITE

We were 36,000 feet up, on our way to the Missional Women’s Conference. I saw him from afar, and anticipated whether his six-foot, four frame would land on the empty, isle seat next to me.

It did.

We started talking. He was a world-traveling designer, for one of the top brands. I was a housewife, headed to speak at a conference with my daughter, in Denver.

hands-compassionAnd yet, we both believed in love and peace, appreciated different cultures, and both coincidently had just flown to Shanghai, just a few weeks earlier.

Kyle had once studied theology, and was headed to restore relationships with a brother he had been estranged with.

My gut told me no sermon or doctrine, no preaching, or forcing my religion would heal what other believers had done to him.

Still, I am sure he saw my red-rubber bracelet , saying “”, and, “James 1:27”.

He eventually asked where we were going and what made my hurt burn. My daughter shared about the conference, and I shared how we were passionate about foster care and adoption.

Kyle told me he had a similar heart.

I gave him a small piece of puzzle I was going to use at the conference, saying, “This is your piece in the story of adoption.”

He put it in his pocket and said he will treasure and keep it.

By the time we came down from the clouds, I knew I had a kindred spirit with Kyle. Theology had failed him, Christians had betrayed him, and I knew words alone would never convince him.

But scripture reminded me, “Not by might, or by power, but only His Spirit says the Lord”. (Zack. 4:6)

I think about and pray for Kyle often. After meeting him, God reminded me of four ways to evangelize:

  1. Love people right where they are –

(To read the rest of this article, discovering, “4 Ways To Love Your Neighbor”, click here)

Today, I have the honor of writing over here. Will you join me, and some other amazing women, learning how to live missionally, right where we are?


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  1. Jen – I love this story of how God used you to bring life and water some dry ground in Kyle’s life. I especially love how you listened to the prompting of the Lord and didn’t push, but loved him right where he was at. Thanks for hosting today and great inspiring post!

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