In The Quiet, Where Those Waiting See Him

I cannot hear. The quiet is so loud. It bangs and shutters and drowns out words that say, “Keep moving”, “Don’t stop serving”, “Love this one He put beside you”, even though few hear, few know the fullness of this journey. Then, He shows me this season of a manger. A baby, craddled quiet, humbly separated […]

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What Is God Asking of You?

I don’t know about you, but I can get caught believing …Grace paves our way to heaven, so we don’t have to do anything. Recently, God’s been showing me just how much false teaching has been slipping into my thinking. In studying scripture, something I had never considered before was revealed to me…Jesus frequently asked people […]

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4 Key Requirements of Successful Parents

It’s a hooded heroin, I try to discern appropriate, as my ten-year-old plays a new video game; sword glowing, balls of light burning, releasing power. In a day where people call evil good and good evil, (Isaiah 5:20)… ​ It is vital we recognize parenting as our primary mission. The choices we make in training won’t […]

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