7 Ways to Reach the World, Without Ever Leaving Home.

I used to think that I had to sell my house, put my children in boarding school, and walk around in homeless poverty, to impact the nations. I had a heart for missions.  But, with a baby tied around my hip, a toddler, or a school age kid begging for attention….I didn’t see how to implement the […]

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Christian’s Gone Mute: An Internet Epidemic

Where are they?  I scan the internet for hours. Researching for a blog post…. But I do not find them. Squeaky Wheels only.  Sharing their opinions….while all the Christian’s have gone silent. MIA.  In other words….Missing In Action. Shuffling in my seat.  Discontent fills the room.  Each site that I click on.  Has radical views…. While […]

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An Encounter with a Stranger on the Corner

Major intersection. Cars racing by.  We turn and look.  Spotting strangest sight. A man with a horn. Dressed in unconventional style. Signs announcing….. Jesus the Savior.  Curiosity drives us to question and see.          We spot a truck covered in scripture.                 Words declaring.                        The love of Christ. I stop in awe.  Speaker blaring…..Boldly declaring….How much we need […]

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